

除了DOL-DOJ合作伙伴关系外,政府的计划还包括通过运输部和DOL Grant计划扩大以前被监禁和边缘化的人的工作机会。在DOT上,其中包括加薪和红外赠款以及港口基础设施开发计划,所有现有计划通过制定基础设施投资和就业法案获得了额外的提升。3月,工党部宣布了1.4亿美元的赠款机会,用于为处于弱势青年和年轻人提供技能培训和指导的计划。

Construction unions and industry trade groups, often working in tandem with non-profits and community organizations, have collaborated with the prison system to offer skills training for inmates and disadvantaged populations for decades. The North American Building Trades Union (NABTU) has developed an apprenticeship-readiness curriculum that is used in more than 200 prisons across the U.S. And 30 programs across the Associated Builders and Contractors' 69 chapters work with their state and local prison programs using the National Center for Construction Education and Research's craft curricula.

While programs exist, stigma persists, and recently released inmates can face significant barriers to employment. According to the White House, more than 600,000 people are released from prison each year, and many of those who are released will have trouble finding a job. A 2018 study found that people who served time in prison had a 27% unemployment rate, the White House said.

纳布图教育与研究主任托马斯·J·克里格(Thomas J Kriger)告诉ENR,白宫公告向雇主发出了强烈的信号,前囚犯可以成为有新利luck价值的雇员。“对于承包商来说,这是一个可行的选择……[前囚犯]有时犯了一个错误,但他们仍然可以是真正的好工人。”他补充说:“赠款将变得很棒,因为我们一直在寻找如何保留纳布图学徒准备计划的方式”。

美国广播公司(ABC)健康,安全与环境与劳动力发展副总裁格雷格·西莫尔(Greg Sizemore)告诉ENR,尽管更多的资金总是有用的,但“真正的工作将在邮政编码级别进行。”新利luck他说,在地面上有导师能够帮助前囚犯在开始新生活的过程中导航,包括寻找就业至关重要。他说,例如,像没有标准驾驶执照一样简单的事情可能会使某人很难及时到达项目网站。

Heather Kurtenbach, a business agent and political director for Ironworkers Local 86 in Seattle, told ENR that pre-apprenticeship programs geared toward inmates and those who are marginalized can be life changing.


When they are being tested and evaluated for acceptance to a pre-apprenticeship program, “these women come out and they already know what they’re doing. They always place first, and they always excel.”