Against the backdrop of new energy pressure from Russia, U.S., and European officials and company executives meeting last month in Atlantic City, N.J., at a leading business conference on offshore wind energy touted its potential to propel transition from fossil fuel dependence. But they acknowledged still nagging market uncertainties and need for government support to meet lofty deployment targets for this decade and beyond.

“Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has shown us that the world cannot depend on petro-dictators, on autocrats for our energy needs,” U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum conference April 27, sponsored by theBusiness Network for Offshore Wind.“We have a long way to go to match the 4,500 turbines dotting the coastline of Europe, but we’ll get there. We are on a war footing and you are the army we need.”

Her European peer Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy, said that while bumped-up U.S. shipments of liquefied natural gas (LNG) would help Europe's energy situation “in the short term, [it] is committed to its longer term transition to clean energy.”

The Biden Administration has set a 30-GW goal for U.S. offshore wind deployment by 2030, with the EU targeting double that or more. The fuel crisis in Europe prompted by the Ukraine war “only signals to both the EU and the U.S. that we must accelerate,” said Granholm.

Booming Metrics

Growing global interest in offshore wind project development was visible at this year’s conference, with some 2,800 attendees more than doubling the total of last year’s event, and similar growth clearly evident at the Atlantic City Convention Center’s exhibition hall, with construction unions, engineering firms and other sector companies among more than 200 exhibitors from 25 countries.

Attendees got good news with the U.S. Interior Dept.宣布4月27日,它对一项计划开放特拉华州以南的六个新大西洋地区的计划寻求公众评论,以寻求潜在的租约,可能在一年之内,总计约390万英亩。俄勒冈州还有120万英亩的土地。基于将包括其他海洋用户发出的影响的反馈,实际的租赁网站将小于现在指定的区域。关于该提案的公众意见期将于6月28日结束


Interior海洋能源管理局主任Amanda Lefton告诉会议与会者,“确保我们有一条推进项目的途径,租赁销售是我的第一任务”,并指出“激发信心……越野风18luck官网在这里停留。”

Industry executives gauged the market’s path following the unexpected $4.4-billion windfall to the department in leasing 488,000 ocean acres in the New York Bight south of New York City in February. Some industry executives andmediasuch as S and P Global speculate the auction total was accelerated by private equity-backed developers eager to enter the market, although risky because of the longer wait for a return on investment.

That sale “was a moment,” said Doreen Harris, president and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. “We need to build on it.” She said the state, which already has a nation-leading goal of 9 GW of offshore wind by 2035, soon will hold a new solicitation for up to 4.2 GW, likely to be mostly from the New York Bight area.

It also is starting work on its next master plan that could expand its deployment target to 20 GW by 2050 and extend development into deeper water off the state’s coasts, says a report in Recharge, which could require use of floating wind turbines. New York has five offshore wind projects totaling 4.3 GW now in active development.

“It’s time to see this industry become part of the economy,” said Sam Eaton, executive vice president for Americas offshore wind at German developer RWE. “Our board gave us $4 billion because there’s a real business case to be made.”

Gains and Pains

但是监管机构和公司仍然担心努力扩展和升级离岸风联系a U.S. transmission network designed to accommodate fossil fuel sources.

Richard Glick, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman, told attendees that the agency’s newproposed rulemakingon grid transformation announced last month does not address current interconnection challenges that have delayed clean energy project deployment. He said the agency’s next rule “out soon” will focus on the issue.

Joseph Fiordaliso, president of New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities, said his agency has already received 80 proposals from 13 developers under a unique joint program with regional grid operator PJM Interconnection to meet the state's 7.5 GW offshore wind goal by 2035, with some projects underway and set to operate by 2024 or 2025.


开发商Rise Light and Power的首席执行官Clint Plummer表示,“ Renewables随着技术的进步,Renewables在正面的竞争中击败传统的传播,海上风不再是“不再是一个非常昂贵的科学实验”。但是“我最大的担心是通货膨胀和供应链成本的融合,”他告诉Conferees。“能量必须负担得起。”

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper told attendees that the state intends to be a U.S. offshore wind leader, claiming a deep talent pool and strengths in advanced manufacturing. He noted that funds for port improvements are included in the state budget recommendation and that the state will seek federal funding for transmission improvements. "We will get this done," said Cooper. "You can be sure my state is applying for every penny of federal money for grid improvements that we can get our hands on."

同时,新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲(Phil Murphy)也吹捧了他州的领导角色,承诺将其“成为东海岸的海洋之都”。

他告诉与会者,领先的行业开发商Ørsted自2019年以来赢得了该州的两个主要项目,将是目前在塞勒姆县特拉华湾建造的5亿美元风电场议会工厂的第一位租户。18luck官网设计建造公司Burns&McDonnell还表示,它赢得了两份EPC合同,用于陆上变电站,并为开普敦县开)的1.1-GW海风项目,由Ørsted和州公用事业公司PSEG Corp.建造。被授予单独的地下电缆合同。

The state also is building a $250-million turbine monopile production plant along the Delaware River. “This truly is a vision turning into reality,” said Murphy, emphasizing also that regional offshore wind energy development “is where interdependence can lead to independence”from non-U.S. fuel sources.

David Hardy, president of Ørsted North America, told attendees that the administration's 30-GW offshore wind deployment goal can be met if “we stay on track,” but noted uncertainty related to whether or how soon Congress will approve federal production tax credits and other incentives. “This is not just about green power, it’s about a national green economy and jobs across the U.S.,” he said. “Work is finally coming to fruition and we must keep the momentum growing.”

劳拉·比恩的North America unit of wind turbine maker Vestas, said it’s a “nervous time for offshore wind to build a sustainable industry. It hasn’t been free from boom and bust cycles that have defined the clean energy sector. Now is the time to future proof the industry and propel the U.S. as an international leader.”


Rich Voorberg, North America president of manufacturer Siemens Energy, also noted the need to “shorten permitting cycles” and stated shortfalls in engineering capability. “We don’t have enough engineers to do these projects,” he said. “Renewables are not free. We must have backup to make this sector economically viable.”

Granholm was optimistic that Congress will reauthorize the financial incentives, “especially in light of the imperative to be energy secure right now.” She said she is “obsessed with the permitting challenge. We have to figure out how to collapse the permitting time.” Granholm noted a DOE study on the issue that is set for release “soon.”

英国贸易集团Renewableuk的首席执行官Dan McGrail指出,在欧洲面临类似的挑战,并声称海上风的风险“面临不成比例的风险”,呼吁对许可和许可“传送带方法”,但同时也可以保护环境。

He added that “while market fundamentals are positive, there still is not sustained profitability in the supply chain.”

The National Offshore Wind Institute at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts and OPITO, an energy industry safety and skills organization, last month signed an agreement to boost workforce training for projects serving the state.
