The congressional push to pass a new water resources bill has taken a step forward with the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s approval of a measure that would authorize $24.7 billion for an array of 21 Army Corps of Engineers' water projects.

The committee cleared the new Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, on May 4, by a 20-0 vote.


Lawmakers are aiming to continue the practice in recent years of approving a WRDA every other year.



参议院委员会主席汤姆·卡珀(Tom Carper)(D-Del。)在小组的投票会议上说,双年展的WRDA时间表将确保“及时对支持我们经济的陆军研究和项目的国会授权,恢复关键的生态系统并保护我们的社区免受极端天气的影响,18luck官网喜欢洪水和干旱。”

Carper also said that the bill “better equips the Army Corps to address the threat that climate change poses to our coastal communities.” He said that more than 128 million Americans live in coastal counties.


The largest individual project authorization is $19.2 billion for a plan to protect Texas coastal areas from storms.

委员会最高共和党人雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(Shelley Moore Capito)参议员说,得克萨斯州项目“将确保关键的港口资产能够继续满足我们国家的运输和供应链需求,向前迈进,”

Capito also said the project would "provide a vital corridor for our nation's energy industry."

参议员马克·凯利(Mark Kelly)(D-Ariz。)表示,新的WRDA将首次为军团提供权力,以“在计划,建设和运营水资源开发项目和计划时,解决干旱风险管理和供水的保护需求。18luck官网透明


Total project authorization figure corrected on 5/10/20 to $24.7 billion.