一种final report来自一个独立的法医团队,调查了2020年5月的密歇根州中部伊甸园和桑福德大坝的崩溃,证实,1920年代建造的两个水坝的故障是由静态液化(流动)在下游部分的静态液化(流动)不稳定造成的他们的路堤。


”众多fac贡献的程度tors combined and aligned to result in the failure primarily reflects both deficiencies in the construction of Edenville Dam and deficiencies in subsequent industry practices during the history of the project,” the report said.

Static liquefaction occurs when the mobilized shear strength in saturated, loose sand decreases rapidly to values significantly less than the applied static shear stresses, resulting in a force imbalance. According to the report, the Edenville Dam saw its sand embankment quickly liquefied, turned to mud that then accelerated the velocity of the already fast-moving water with its mass. The downstream Sanford Dam quickly failed when faced with the force of the saturated water and mass of the failed Edenville Dam sections that rushed its way after the initial collapse.

由联邦能源监管委员会(Federal Energy Compulatoration Commission)选出了五人组成的团队,该机构负责监管两个大坝,并由国家大坝安全官员协会的投入。它由法国约翰·W·法国(John W.大坝的所有者Boyce Hydro,自2018年以来,FERC将其发电许可自2018年以来就没有使用任何水坝发电,这是关于谁将支付升级和康复的持续争议的一部分-Boyce Hydro或Local居民。

最终报告reiterated an interim findingthat inspections done by the FERC or by ownership would not have likely looked at downstream embankment static liquefaction as a potential cause of future failure.



该报告要求FERC和州官员对大坝进行更全面的评论。该报告中引用了关于谁将为衰老大坝康复付费的持续争议,这是博伊斯·海德罗(Boyce Hydro)和当地居民都不采取行动的原因,但不是原因,但不是因为失败的原因。崩溃发生时,大坝的出售正在等待。博伊斯·海德罗(Boyce Hydro)作为所有者的决定得到了进一步的审查。该报告称,“合理”是,如果在2020年5月之前建造了部分伊登维尔大坝溢洪道的升级,则湖泊水平上升的降低可能足以防止2020年5月的大坝路堤不稳定失败。“除非埃登维尔(Edenville)离开(东方)路堤,否则在某些未来的高湖泊水平下,在未来的高湖泊水平下发生路堤不稳定的固有风险。”

The report states that the Boyce Hydro projects did not provide sufficient revenue to support a $5-million to $10-million probable-maximum flood spillway upgrade project.

一种SDSO currently estimates that needed rehabilitation/upgrades of the more than 88,000 non-federal dams in the U.S. would cost over $75 billion, including about $24 billion for more than 15,000 non-federal high hazard potential dams.

"Many of those rehabilitation/upgrade needs are not being met because of owners’ lack of financial resources. Although some state and federal financial assistance programs exist, the available financial resources are only a small fraction of the need," the report states.