Mayor Michelle Wu’sappointment波士顿有史以来的首次计划沙皇赢得了开发商的赞誉,尽管焦虑泡出对新市长管理局的项目允许的态度。

5月23日标志着该市首位规划负责人亚瑟·杰米森(Arthur Jemison)的工作第一天,他还将重新获得波士顿规划和发展局(BPDA)。


Along with working in city and state government for a number of years, Jemison went on to become the chief planner in Detroit and then a top official at the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development in Washington, D.C. Hepreviously worked as deputy undersecretary and deputy director of the Massachusetts Dept. of Housing and Community Development.

亚瑟·杰米森(Arthur Jemison)

亚瑟·杰米森(Arthur Jemison)

“We are absolutely excited to have him back,” said Anastasia Nicolaou, vice president of policy and public affairs at NAIOP Massachusetts, which represents the commercial real estate industry.

The concern right now among the city’s real estate world isn’t with Jemison, but ultimately with what his boss may have in mind for the BPDA, said David Begelfer, principal at CRE Strategic Advisors and former CEO of NAIOP Massachusetts.

Since she was a city councilor, Wu has vowed for years todismantleBPDA。吴和其他批评家认为,该机构对邻里的关注不足以敏感,1950年代后期的旧西区升级了豪华公寓,通常被认为是该机构的原始罪过。

Wu has been vague on exactly what her pledge to sunset the agency actually means, though, telling reporters a month ago that it will be a “complex organizational project” that will require a “years-long process,” the Boston Herald reported.

“I think he is a great choice. I am not worried about him,” Begelfer said of Jemison. “I am just worried about his job and whether he knows what his job is and that the business community knows what the job is.”

As they try and read the tea leaves, some developers are pointing to mixed signals coming from the Wu administration on the agency’s future.


“That was our take from the real estate community–if you are bringing in people that doesn’t mean you are going to dissolve it,” said Greg Vasil, CEO and president of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board.

Ted Tye, managing partner and co-founder of National Development, said Jemison “has a tough job ahead of him” and will have to “hit the ground running.”

Tye, whose firm has transformed what was once a gritty industrial stretch of the South End into the Ink Block residential and retail complex, said there is a sense in the development community that the city’s project permitting process has slowed down amid the changes at the top at City Hall.

President Joe Biden’s announcement 18 months ago that he was picking now-former Mayor Marty Walsh to be his secretary of labor ushered in a period of uncertainty amid the transition to new leadership at City Hall.

The development community is now hoping that the new BPDA head will be able to tackle decisions that may have been deferred and get the regulatory process moving again, Tye said.
