
The French infrastructure giant leads construction of the Springbank off-stream reservoir nine miles west of Calgary, a $580-million project to divert flood waters before they reach the city.



“This is one of the largest infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the province and funded primarily by the province of Alberta,” Premier Jason Kenney said at a press event held earlier this month to announce the start of work on the project. “We must be prepared for the next major flood and to prevent damage of that scale.”

Vinci’s assignment, which is expected to last three years, involves building a 29-m-high earthen structure that will stretch roughly 2.3 miles along the Elbow River, along with a water intake and a 2.6-mile-long diversion channel. More than 5 million cu m of material will be needed to build the project, according to Vinci.


Overall, the project is expected to create 2,200 construction jobs, with Vinci’s contract estimated at $235 million. The global infrastructure company, based outside of Paris, has 5,200 employees in Canada and 260,000 across the world.


卡尔加里附近浮游区的一些居民反对,推动了替代地点国家。据《大西部媒体》报道,该国和一个当地团体洛基景县(Rocky View County)终于在同意数百万赔偿金之后,在2020年撤销了异议。
