
In late April, Procore announced an integration with Building Transparency, a nonprofit seeking to address the construction industry’s role in climate change. The partnership will allow users to utilize the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3).

拥有专业承包商,总承包商和所有者(最终是负责碳排放报告的人)都通过Procore平台从事体现碳的工作,并且能够对材料和流程做出决定是合作伙伴关系的动力。桑德拉·本森(Sandra Benson)说:“这很有意义。”桑德拉·本森(Sandra Benson)于2021年末加入普罗克(Procore),担任行业转型负责人。“这项产品将影响我们的所有三个子集。”

Before joining Procore, Benson was head of construction, infrastructure and real estate at Amazon.com and is still a board member of the nonprofit National Institute of Building Sciences.

亚马逊,Facebook,Google,Microsoft和Salesforce以及地板制造商Interface Inc.都在建筑透明度的董事会成员。该非营利组织由Skanska可持续发展总监Stacy Smedley创立。Skanska和Microsoft共同资助了EC3的初步发展。

Benson said that Procore wanted a full data-sharing partnership with Building Transparency rather than just an EC3 integration.

“Our partnership with Procore is a great step forward in educating our industry on the importance of reducing embodied carbon emissions and the tools already available to do so,” Smedley, who is also executive director of Building Transparency, said in a statement.

Procore首席执行官Tooey Courtemanche表示,该合作伙伴关系加强了Procore的使命,即更好地告知用户。

“Data is a massive asset and, frankly, the foundation of all we can do to give back to the industry,” he told ENR .

同样在4月下旬,Procore聘请了Joy Driscoll Durling为有史以来的首席数据官员,这是另一个旨在更好地帮助该行业使用其数据的员工。Durling在Adobe和Vivint建立了数据驱动的文化。

“That’s where we’re going to spend a lot of time and energy,” Courtemanche said. “She’s going to have a massive impact and help us see this vision through where we connect everyone on a global platform.”