“如果您建造它,他们会来”不仅仅是著名电影系列的版本。对于EN新利luckR 400名上市承包商,由于供应短缺和延误而陷入困境的市场,这是战略。“他们”是指更多的手工艺工人,更好的物质交货时间还是减少成本风险取决于公司最紧迫的问题,但承包商绝大多数同意,尽管该行业稳定地供应链,但尽管该行业稳定地建立关系。



Overall, total revenue for the Top 400 firms rose to a record $421 billion in 2021, a 1.49% improvement over the year before—marking the 11th straight year of increases. Despite slowed revenue growth in the pandemic’s first year, 0.12% from 2019 to 2020, firm revenue increased by 1.62% since the pandemic began.

特纳建筑公司国际机构特纳国际(Turner International)的总裁兼首席执行官阿布拉尔警长说:“从大流行中出来,我们认为会有一些常态。”但是,随着国际问题继续影响国内供应链,“这几乎就像déjàvu处理这一问题一样,”他补充说。



Black&Veatch的首席执行官Mario Azar说,由于业主目前面临成本和短缺的挑18luck.cub战,所有者的一个更大的问题笼罩着。“是否有创造性和协作的解决方案可以使项目继续前进?”18luck官网他问。阿扎尔(Azar)表示,该公司已经看到了一个例子,这些例子是,通过完成最终谈判,项目不再具有财务上的有意义,可以向一方或双方进行。18luck官网

Mike Thompson

“[Owners] know about the challenges, so they’ve been engaging us early in their projects, asking us to serve in an advising role.”
迈克·汤普森(Mike Thompson),副总裁,罗宾斯和莫顿

“Materials that used to have widespread availability and clear delivery schedules became more expensive, delivery times stretched and supply chain costs ballooned—creating a fundamental tension between project owners and service providers,” says Azar.


Industry-wide issues such as inflation, a residential building boom, natural disasters and international conflict can also be sector specific in their impact on markets such as manufacturing, semiconductors and agriculture, explains Mike Thompson, vice president of operational planning and support at Robins & Morton.

“These factors, paired with inflation, contribute to significant overall cost escalation,” says Thompson. “The most common request we receive from owners is still speed to market. [Owners] know about the challenges, so they’ve been engaging us early in their projects, asking us to serve in an advising role. That allows us to develop creative strategies for project delivery.” Those creative strategies are often customized for the project.


Robert Shelton, president of Peinado Construction, says “relationships are more important in this business than they have ever been” to help contractors understand the constantly changing market and minimize exposure to rising costs.

“We’re trying to quantify the exposure and risk profiles for ourselves and for our clients, and manage risk throughout the entire process,” he says. “Our clients look to us to help them and their partners navigate the current and ever-changing market conditions.”