PFAS化学药品的清理市场将在每个州加速,持续数十年,并且随着Biden Administmation的行动将两个主要群体指定为超级资金列表状态的危险,并设置饮用水污染限制,以最多29种物质,以达到数十亿美元的费用,说行业参与者。

By the end of June, the US Environmental Protection Agency is set to deem PFOA and PFOS substances hazardous under the federal CERCLA, or Superfund, law. That action is under review by the White House as a proposed federal rule this year, set to become final in 2023, John Gardella, a partner at Boston law firm CMBG3, told ENR.

The designation would require facilities across the country to report on PFOA and PFOS releases and would allow EPA or other agencies to seek cleanup cost recovery or contributions. “This is going to happen,” he says. “EPA wants sites cleaned up and paid for up front.” He adds that the agency is likely to name two or three polluters per site.


“Many states and local agencies will likely adopt stricter standards, further increasing the market for PFAS remediation,” says Tamzen Macbeth, senior vice president and environmental remediation practice leader at engineer-CM firm CDM Smith. which has done extensive work in the sector. The designation also would likely lead to Superfund sites being reassessed for the chemicals, she says.

EPA还计划在秋季发布拟议的饮用水标准。但是因为它Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 5issued last December requires sample collection for 29 PFAS chemicals between 2023 and 2025, it is likely the proposed rule will include more than PFOA and PFOS chemicals, says Alan LeBlanc, CDM Smith vice president and drinking water discipline leader.

一旦环保局建立了最大污染物水平f或者PFAin drinking water, LeBlanc says he “anticipates a major increase” in related site engineering and construction work in the U.S, noting that many affected entities have already begun to address contaminants in water supplies. “Ultimately it will take decades to clean up PFAS in the U.S. environment,” he adds.


环境al groups want a drinking water standard of less than 1 part per trillion (ppt) for the total PFAS class, which contains more than 12,000 chemicals. “The agency simply cannot proceed by regulating them one-by-one. That will take millennia for them to regulate,” Erik Olson, Natural Resources Defense Council senior strategic director for health, told ENR.

The group has urged EPA to set drinking water standards for other PFAS chemicals, including GenX, PFBA, PFBS, PFHxS and PFNA. Limits for individual PFAS chemicals, for which EPA now has toxicity values, should be set at about 2 ppt to 4 ppt, he said.

When rules are final in late 2023, all states will also look for evidence of elevated PFAS levels, and identify entities to pay for remediation—whether or not the contamination was intentional, says Gardella.

But drinking water and wastewater utilities and municipal solid waste landfills say they want to protect users and taxpayers from cleanup costs and are seeking Congressional exemptions from liability under CERCLA.


《 2021年PFAS Action Act》通过了众议院,但没有参议院行动,要求EPA根据几项联邦法律制定新的PFAS标准。该法案未能包括对水灾处理工具的责任豁免修正案。Farella Braun + Martel LLP进行了分析,它确实使用了使用水性泡沫(AFFF)的水性泡沫(AFFF)的机场的所有者和运营商狭窄的机场。


根据Bloomberg Law,the water authority near Dover Air Force Base in Delaware reported PFOS and PFOA levels in 2018 that were 2,245 times higher than EPA's health advisory level.

An Environmental Working Group analysis released last month of new DOD data notes the highest levels of PFOA, PFOS and other chemicals near 12 bases in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington state.

Last year, Congress provided more than $200 million for PFAS cleanup work at DOD sites and directed the department to provide a cleanup schedule by the end of October, the group says. DOD officials told Senate Appropriations Committee members last month the agency will soon switch to a more effective, PFAS-free foam.


彭博·劳(Bloomberg Law)说,现在和将来面临诉讼的制造商正在援引联邦政府承包商作为国防战略的地位,但市政公用事业本身现在正在增加减轻潜在成本的压力。

“We call on Congress to maintain CERCLA’s bedrock principle of polluter pays,” 10 national and regional water and wastewater agency associationssaid in a letterlate last month to key Senate and House committees and ranking legislators, seeking immunity from CERCLA enforcement and liability.

With the chemicals ubiquitous in the environment, "water, wastewater, stormwater and water reuse systems passively receive PFAS from these sources," the groups said.


市政固体废物公用事业也有同样的关注。国家废物和回收协会在5月10日致参议院环境和公共工程委员会的信中说:“垃圾填埋场既不制造也不使用PFA”。该集团声称,全国范围内的PFA从垃圾填埋场中取出需要昂贵的高级治疗,这将耗资“ 9.96亿美元至62.8亿美元”。

Gardella said PFAS chemicals in construction materials could become a landfill contamination risk, particularly those purchased from foreign suppliers. He advises that firms also check past purchase orders to determine products that may have contained PFAS. “It’s time consuming and costly, but it will help companies identify where their liabilities lie,” Gardella said.


For now, it appears EPA will target manufacturers and distributors, but those companies held responsible for Superfund cleanups also could file civil litigation against water and waste management companies, Gardella said.

Litigation Flurry Continues

On May 25, Massachusetts filed a federal district court lawsuit against 15 PFAS manufacturers—including 3M, DuPont, Chemours, the DuPont spinoff, and 10 other unidentified companies. The firms caused or contributed to PFAS contamination of the state’s “air, soil, sediment, biota, surface water, estuaries, submerged lands, wetlands, groundwater, drinking water and other natural resources,” said the state.

投诉引用了86个污染PFA升高的社区中的126个受污染的饮用水系统,其中包括六种特定PFAS化学物质的州最大污染物20 PPT的“数百万到千倍”。该诉讼是寻求补偿补救成本的各州的数字之一,主要是在饮用水中。18luck.cub


Remediation companies also face risks. They develop the best cleanup plans for contaminated sites but now must look at the longer-term effects of contamination, says Gardella.
