Dredging on the $1-billion project to expand and deepen the Houston Ship Channel kicked off June 1, with work expected to last about 3.5 years in the country’s busiest waterway.

由Aecom-Gahagan&Bryant Associates与休斯顿港和美国陆军工程兵团合资制定的计划,称为Project 11因为它标志着自1850年代以来的第11次水路将被扩大,以至于可以在加尔维斯顿湾(Galveston Bay)扩大通道,以使上游细分市场加深并为环境特征的构建建设。


该公司将使用切割机的吸力挖掘工作来执行工作。Grey Lakes说,它最近进行了升级以减少氧化氮和颗粒物的排放。


Future phases of the project will include widening or deepening five other segments of the channel and constructing additional bird habitat islands, marshes and oyster habitats.


Apre-solicitation synopsis还指出了计划在上游进一步寻求较小的疏式阶段的计划。官员们估计,未来合同的成本在500万至1000万美元之间。

休斯顿港官员说,项目11将允许该港口容纳更大的船只,从而提供经济利益。他们还说,较宽的频道将提高安全性 - 目前,沿着通道的相反方向船只必须直接接近直至接近,然后小心地调整路线,而不会被水力动力互相转向,这是一个已知的机动作为“德克萨斯鸡”。

“This project is important on many levels, including improving the efficiency of our nation’s supply chains, promoting navigational safety and creating environmental benefits through the innovative use of dredged material,” Michael Connor, assistant secretary of the Army for civil works projects, said during the June 1 project kick-off event.

Port Houston officials expect Project 11 to complete in 2025.



“A huge percentage of funding in the infrastructure bill for coast construction projects is dedicated to the Texas coast, mainly to the Houston and Galveston investments from this district,” Col. Timothy Vail, district commander, said in a statement when the IIJA funding was announced.

On May 25, the Corps released itsdraft environmental impact statementCorpus Christi Channel Project港口。该计划要求将现有的13英里频道从54英尺升至77英尺,并将渠道进一步扩展到墨西哥湾。