


The next step for the legislation would be floor action in the Senate. That chamber’s Environment and Public Works Committee on May 4 approved a bill that is similar to the House version.


The Senate committee cleared its WRDA by a bipartisan 20-0 vote. That unanimous tally bodes well for the outcome on the floor.


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), the WRDA bill's sponsor, speaking on the floor on June 7, said, "The two-year cycle is critical to addressing future water resource needs of our nation."


The core of the House measure, as with past WRDAs, is its construction project authorizations. "When it comes right down to it, this bill is a projects bill," saidRep. Sam Graves (Mo.), the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's top Republican.

Graves noted that the WRDA measure was based on requests for projects and other provisions from House members from both parties and all regions.

'Must-Pass' Coastal Texas Project

By far the House bill’s largest construction project allocation is $19.2 billion for a combination flood protection and ecosystem restoration plans on the Texas coast. Nonfederal funding would bring the megaproject's total cost to $31.1 billion.

众议员Brian Babin(R-Texas)称德克萨斯州沿海计划为“必须做的项目”和“德克萨斯州东南部的主要优先事项”。

Babin补充说,这个项目将提供百万s of residents protection from hurricane storm surge and flooding. The project would also protect energy production facilities in the area.

The Senate committee version also includes the Coastal Texas project.

Other large authorizations in both bills include $1.5 billion for flood protection in the Florida Keys and $1 billion for a hurricane and storm protection project in Louisiana’s Upper Barataria Basin.
