
The 7:09 a.m. accident took place on southbound U.S. Highway 95 when the top of the truck allegedly clipped the I-beam, which was set up to provide a final warning to motorists of the 15-ft. height restriction at the under-construction bridge.

“梁结构损坏了;NDOT发言人贾斯汀·霍普金斯(Justin Hopkins)说:“它下来并撞到了另一辆车,杀死了驾驶员。”



acci内华达州州警方正在调查dent, and the names of the drivers have not been released, but the victim was a Las Vegas police officer. Hopkins says southbound 95, a major approach to Las Vegas, would be closed for much of Friday as police investigate and crews shore up the site.


这座耗资1.55亿美元的桥梁计划于2024年初完成,是Centennial Bowl项目的最后阶段,该项目始于2015年,旨在建造一次交汇处,美国95号与克拉克县215 Callway连接。