
曾担任董事长的理查德·劳勒斯(Richard Lawless)说,德克萨斯中央伙伴董事会在上个月解散。他说,随着公司的重新定位,他仍然担任股东代表。

Carlos Aguilar, who had been president and CEO, announced that he had left the company in aLinkedIn帖子6月12日在西班牙商业新闻媒体报道之后La Informaciónthat most of the company’s management team had left the project.

“While I could not align our current stakeholders on a common vision for a path forward, I wish the project the greatest success and remain convinced of the importance of this venture for the safety and prosperity of all Texans,” he wrote.

目前尚不清楚谁会成功的阿吉拉尔。目前,Lawless说公司正在管理Michael Bui根据他的公司传记,FTI Consulting的高级董事总经理专门从事“流动性预测开发,业务计划开发和分析,抵押品评估以及恢复评估和应急计划”,并通过遇险,破产,破产,破产,破产,为各种活动提供了建议,重组和销售。

“德州中央Partners LLC和员工been working with an experienced team at FTI Consulting for several months to continue the work on the innovative project to bring their high-speed passenger train line to Texas,” FTI said in a statement.

As ENR previously reported,the plansfor the project call for construction of about 236 miles of track plus stations and other related equipment. The company has said it would take just 90 minutes to travel between Dallas and Houston on its high-speed service.

Last year, Texas Central announced the signing of a $1.6-billion contract with Kiewit Infrastructure South Co. and Mass. Electric Construction Co. for core electrical systems installation, and a $16-billion contract with The Lane Construction Corp. and Webuild to serve as design-build lead. Texas Central also announced Spanish train operator Renfe as the early operator for its planned railroad.

该提案面临几次挫折。如前所新利luck述,该公司下岗nearly 30 employees in 2020, blaming the COVID-19 pandemic. The effort has also endured a years-long legal battle over its efforts to acquire land for the project. The case, which is currently before the Supreme Court of Texas, hinges on whether Texas Central counts as a “railroad company” under the state’s transportation code, which would determine whether it can use eminent domain to acquire land.

德克萨斯州检察长肯·帕克斯顿(Ken Paxton)支持该公司使用著名领域,最近来自德克萨斯州的三名代表提交了简介支持土地所有者对铁路的法律斗争。预计法院将在接下来的几周内进行裁决。


Opponents of the plan have questioned Texas Central’s finances. Waller County Judge Trey Duhon, who is also president of the board of the group Texans Against High-Speed Rail, says the company appears to not have the money or resources to build the project.

证券交易委员会records show Texas Central Partners raised $75 million from private investors in 2015. In 2018, theJapan Bank for International Cooperation,agreed to loan up to $300 million to the company. In January, an attorney for Texas Central said during a court hearing that the company had raised more than $400 million.

同时,得克萨斯州中央计划的计划成本已从120亿美元增加到200亿美元,达到300亿美元。4月,来自几个县官员的法院提交法院说,德克萨斯州中央延迟付款more than $600,000 in property taxes. And while the company’s leadership had promised that the project would be fully privately funded last fall, when Aguilar appeared as a guest on a德克萨斯政治播客他说,去年秋天,得克萨斯州中部可能需要通过根据《基础设施投资和就业法》资助的计划借入120亿美元。


Even if Texas Central wins the court case, Duhon says the group may take the matter to lawmakers in order to prevent a company without an operating railroad in place from using eminent domain to obtain land for a railroad—something that could impact future efforts by others to start new rail companies.
