当PC Construction的工人团队在2020年底(下班后开始刚开始)完成了3.21亿美元亚特兰大供水计划项目的工作时,他们知道他们经历了一些非凡的事情。Needed urgently to secure Atlanta’s then-threatened drinking water supply, the sprawling effort to transform a one-time quarry into a 2.4-billion-gallon raw water storage facility—among other tasks—would prove a singular accomplishment to some of PC’s crew and other project team members.

称其为职业生涯中的“有史以来最好的工作”是PC高级副总裁Dan Nawrocki,也是40年的水/废水建筑业务退伍军人,包括在Archer Western担任高级项目经理,包括将近17年的时间。他说:“ 40年来我从未从事过的任何事情都没有接近。”

PC项目总监Bob Huie于去年对ENR告诉ENR告诉ENR,Atlanta市的亚特兰大市是“时间是国王”的简单咒语。新利luck

承包商在截止日期的压力下工作,尽管如此,承包商将“找到数百万美元的储蓄来使该项目负担得起”,阿德·阿伯恩(Ade Abon)是亚特兰大分水岭管理局的高级分水岭董事阿德·阿伯恩(Ade Abon)在向东南部提交的证词中指出的。新利luck他补充说:“他们最大的优势是其成本模型的准确性和可靠性。”他指出,该公司专注于与建筑管理高风险项目交付的协作和专业知识,“使他们与竞争对手区分开来。”

该项目的非隧道部分的首席设计工程师乔治·阿吉(George Ajy)是亚特兰大工程公司River 2 Tap(R2T)的所有者,他记得PC团队的性能同样。

“We had to overcome multiple significant schedule cost and technical difficulties,” Ajy says, crediting what he describes as a high-functioning team, led by PC and its joint-venture partner H.J. Russell. With a strongly collaborative mindset, the engineer and contractor often batted around numerous ideas aimed at solving the string of challenges endemic to the project. With that approach, “We’d be able to filter through and validate the good ones and throw away the bad ones and develop some really good solutions,” he says.

自从将亚特兰大项目(有史以来最大的东南合同之一)放在后视镜中,PC Construction不得不迅速专注于繁忙且越来越复杂的道路。


在斯坦利,北卡罗来纳州,承包商是29美元。9-million, 1.7-million-gallon-per-day expansion of Lincoln Countys Killian Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.

An Array of Challenges


In Stuart, Fla., for instance, PC started construction last December on a $16.7-million contract to deliver a 1.5-million-gallon-per-day reverse-osmosis (RO) treatment facility as an addition to the existing water treatment system. Funded in part by a South Florida Water Management District pilot program for alternative water supply projects, the job will deliver a new RO process and boost the facility’s overall treatment capacity to 3.0 mgd.

“Their greatest strength is the accuracy and dependability of their cost models.”
—Ade Abon, Senior Watershed Director, Atlanta Dept. of Watershed Management


Additionally, Stuart also noted the need to address the Environmental Protection Agency’s then-new Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule covering emerging contaminants, some of which the city of Stuart had “consistently detected” since beginning monitoring. In response to the new EPA rule, Stuart shut down four wells that contained these contaminants at a level “far exceeding the EPA’s advisory limit,” according to the city’s application for funding, thereby limiting the city’s water supply.

The Stuart facility that PC is delivering will utilize RO technology designed to filter out these contaminants, increasingly well known by their abbreviations: PFCs, PFOS and PFOA.


If successful, the technology could proliferate throughout Florida, and beyond, says Nawrocki.


例如,在北卡罗来纳州斯坦利(Stanley) - 距快速增长的夏洛特(Charlotte)30英里 - PC目标是2022年秋季完成2,990万美元,1.7 mgd的扩张和项目所有者林肯县的翻新,这将促进其现有的Killian Creek Wastewater治疗plant’s capacity to 6.6 mgd. And in Atlanta, PC is leading a $54-million contract to decommission the Intrenchment Creek Water Reclamation Center and add primary clarifiers to the South River WRC.


In Stuart, Fla., PC Construction is delivering a 1.5-million-gallon-per-day reverse-osmosis treatment facility in an effort to address impacts related to saltwater intrusion and contaminants in the city’s water supply.
Photo by Brian Grassel, courtesy PC Construction

Opportunities, Change Ahead

在2021年,PC Construction报告了东南部的显着收益,从新合同奖开始了2亿美元。总体而言,对于东南地区,承包商报告的同比增长约10%,报告的收入约为3710万美元。

对于承包商总裁兼首席执行官Jay Fayette而言,该公司的大部分成功都来自PC团队成员带来的合作的承诺。Whether they’re leading a project via an alternative delivery method such as construction management at-risk or design-bid-build, the ability to work closely with owners to find cost savings and overcome continuing supply-chain challenges is paramount to success in today’s construction market.

In Fayette’s opinion, the company’s pervasive focus on collaboration springs from the fact that all roughly 450 employees are owners in PC’s ESOP.

Atlanta’s Water Supply Program


As a result, “We want things done on time, we want things done on budget, we want to preserve our cost so we can maintain our margin and we want to honor the owner’s budget.”

The issue of diversity, equity and inclusion has become another major focus for PC since the killing of George Floyd, says Fayette.


For these achievements and initiatives, ENR Southeast recognizes PC Construction as its 2022 Contractor of the Year.