Houston-area officials tasked with minimizing impacts of floods are eyeing a plan to build eight large-diameter stormwater tunnels at an estimated cost of $30 billion.

The Harris County Flood Control District recently completed itsPhase 2 study在可能的隧道项目上。18luck官网该地区运营助理主任斯科特·埃尔默(Scott Elmer)说,它确定了在该县23个流域中有11个拟议的隧道的潜在对准。初步计划要求总共约132英里的隧道直径为30英尺至40英尺,地下约120英尺。

The study estimates the tunnels could provide an additional 76,000 cu feet per second of stormwater conveyance, eliminating between 80,000 and 120,000 cumulative instances of flooding over the tunnels’ 100-year life and during storms up to a 100-year event.

"The tunnel alternatives selected for concept refinement appear to provide a more favorable solution when compared to traditional solutions that deliver a similar level of service in terms of flood reduction benefits," states the study report, prepared by Black & Veatch. "It is anticipated that tunnel projects could be implemented within a much shorter timeframe and construction would involve reduced impacts to the community and environment when compared to traditional solutions."

包括休斯顿在内的哈里斯县(Harris County)在很大程度上是低矮的和平坦的,景观缓慢。2008年艾克飓风和2017年哈维飓风造成的风暴造成了严重破坏,2018年,当地选民通过了25亿美元的债券计划to fund flood risk reduction projects. The flood control district is using the money to fund hundreds of projects, including the studies for the proposed tunnels.



Following the Phase 1 study, which examined whether it would be possible to build large-diameter stormwater tunnels in Harris County, the $2.5-million Phase 2 study, with lead consultant Black & Veatch, used a rain-on-grid model. The team then calibrated that model against instances of reported flooding, including federal claims, damage reported by owners and the flood control district’s own post-storm assessments. They then used the results to identify “flood damage centers,” which Elmer says are the areas of concentrated repetitive flooding. To get the most benefit of the proposed tunnels, they selected alignments that would intersect those flood damage centers. They also looked at the physical characteristics of the watersheds, to determine where tunnels could convey water just by gravity.

洪水控制区与6月16日公众分享了第二阶段研究的结果,目前正处于90天的公众意见期。新利luck埃尔默(Elmer)表示,他们将花费今年余下的时间来进行第三阶段研究。新利luck他说,除了收取公共反馈外,洪水控制区还将与休斯敦港口,以确保隧道不会对隧道产生不利影响Houston Ship Channelor port facilities. Environmental work is needed, and the next study will need to be federally compliant with the aim that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can participate in the project.



“尽管隧道系统的成本很大,并18luck.cub且不能保证为该规模的项目找到合作伙伴关系资金,但我们很高兴探索隧道作为降低哈里斯县洪水风险的额外工具,”洪水控制区高管蒂娜·彼得森(Tina Petersen)董事在一份声明中说。