Work is set to start this summer to repair a 300-ft-long section of a 30-ft-high retaining wall that collapsed more than one year ago at a major New Jersey roadbuilding project—the already late-running effort called Direct Connection, which aims to untangle the convoluted interchange of north-south I-295, and east-west 1-76 and state Route 42 in Camden County, near Philadelphia. According to a forensic report made public last month by the NJ Dept. of Transportation only through a state Open Public Records Act request, problems existed in the wall built for a southbound I-295 ramp long before it crumbled in March 2021.

整体直接连接构造began in 2013 and was extended to 2028 from 2024 even before the incident. The project had an original $900-million budget, with some reports now estimating it at $1.1 billion.



在纽约市的工程师Hardesty&Hanover LLC根据合同下提交的详细分析中,据称,2016年出现了墙不稳定性的迹象。该公司表示,“墙22”遭受了“复杂的失败”和“ Sandy Fill的流离失所”用于在下面建造路堤和斜坡的土壤。”2019年2月,该分析还说,由于几个没有符合其供应商规格的墙壁的混凝土板的“观察到的困扰”,工作中断了数周。

According to the report, sand and silt used were not appropriate materials to help support the wall due to “poor engineering properties at high moisture contents.” The site has a high groundwater level and was chronically damp.


Heavy rain on the day of collapse also “altered the marginally stable slope and ground improvement system [foundation] on which the wall was supported,” the report adds.

Going Forward

DOT spokesman Stephen Schapiro declined comment on an estimated repair cost or on liability issues for the state or for contractors, which he said were beyond the report's scope.

他说,该项目部分的合同已授予了新泽西州布里奇顿的承包商South State Inc.,新泽西州的设计和建筑公司已授予该合同下合同的工作和建筑公司。

According toNJ.com的报告, soils were tested by project design consultant Dewberry during subsurface investigations conducted, Schapiro said, with imported soil aggregate used in wall construction tested by the contractor and confirmed by NJDOT.

The new anticipated completion date of the current contract is to be determined, Schapiro said. The final contract, Contract 4, is set to begin after Contract 3 is completed and is expected to take four years.

美国众议员唐纳德·诺克罗斯(D.-N.J.)和卡姆登县州议员威廉·莫恩(William F. Moen Jr.
