小斯图尔特·格雷厄姆(Stuart E. Graham Jr.他的死没有透露。

“Stu provided a steady hand during a period of growth for Skanska, and the company of today owes much to his time as CEO and then later heading the board," says firm Chairman Hans Biörck in a statement to ENR. "His vision was vital for developing the company both in the U.S. and globally. He was also a great communicator and set the basis for our culture and values.”

根据其网站的数据,Skanska AB报告的2021年全球收入为172亿美元,美国运营的64亿美元。该公司在最新的ENR全球承包商名单上排名第24,其2020年收入超过瑞典的收入新利luck超过113亿美元。

有学士学位经济学学位,格雷厄姆(Graham)始于他的行业职业生涯,担任新泽西州Sordoni Construction Co.的助理领域负责人,Skanska于1990年收购了该公司的首席执行官,随着它扩大了美国东北部的业务。格雷厄姆后来升任Skanska美国业务总裁。

Graham was named CEO of Skanska AB in 2002, replacing longtime executive Claes Bjork, and still the only non-Swede to be global chief, the company says. One contractor executive said Graham highlighted risk management during his tenure as CEO and instituted stricter procurement controls.

"Stuart Graham was absolutely the most important CEO of Skanska in modern times," a former colleague said in a Swedish newspaper report of the executive's death. "He transformed a Swedish company with local islands into an integrated international giant."

罗伯特·普里托(Robert Prieto)曾是帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Brinckerhoff)董事长兼Fluor Corp.的高级副总裁,他说,当他领导Skanska Civil时,他是一个人,当时很明显,他是一个非常关心他的人民和人民和人的个人他是一部分的行业。”

In its 2007 win of the roughly $1-billion contract to design and build the Meadowlands football stadium in East Rutherford, N.J.—now known as MetLife Stadium and, at the time, the firm’s largest US award—Skanska was described by Giants franchise owner John Mara as “among the leading sports stadium builders in the world” with “a great affinity and understanding of the U.S. market."In a 2016 interview在Skanska的网站上,格雷厄姆将奖项归功于客户对公司价值观的看法。他说:“价值是建立可持续业务的基础。”

Connecting the Dots

Employees recall his efforts to mentor emerging leaders and develop needed skills. “I will always remember Stuart's leadership and his simple, basic credo to connect the dots,” said Walter Miros Jr., Skanska Building USA operations vice president in South Florida in an online tribute.

Skanska的拉丁美洲业务的前首席运营官Pedro J. Campos补充说,Graham“支持所有团队和我们的工作,并具有难以竞争的领导能力,商业道德和运营的清晰度。我们不仅向他学习如何做好事对于Skanska来说,以及如何作为专业人士发展并成为更好的个人。”

但是,在2005年,格雷厄姆不愿意在必要时进行更改。新利luck它说,当时Skanska AB拒绝确定的一项大型美国政府项目是造成大部分损失的原因,尽管该公司在上一年的收入仍大约是5.4亿美元。


Graham also faced economic headwinds in the 2008 global recession. “We’re in an economic time that none of us who’ve been in the business awhile have ever seen before,” he said at the time. Like many firms, Skanska was expecting a solid year in 2008, with strength in many markets worldwide, but predicted up to a 20% business drop the following year.

该首席执行官于2012年被任命为董事会主席,直到2016年Biörck继承他为止。返回美国的格雷厄姆(Graham)还是北欧资产投资者工业律师事务所(Industrivarden AB)的董事,该公司曾是Skanska主要股东多年的主要股东,是Secuitas AB,PPL Corp.,Harsco Corp.,Brand Energy and Industrial Services的董事会成员,塔伦能源公司(Talen Energy Corp.)主席。

He also had been chairman of the Engineering and Construction Governors Council of the World Economic Forum,Engineering and Construction Risk Institute founder and New York Building Congress chairman.

Skanska AB CEO Johan Karlström presented Graham in 2016 with its Stuart Graham Lifetime Achievement Award, created in his name in 2008 to recognize senior project leaders.
