Buoyed by continued gains among nonresidential specialty trade contractors, overall construction employment increased by 13,000 jobs during June, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreported。该行业的失业率从5月的3.8%略微下降至3.7%。

One industry economist believes that the latest data shows that contractors will continue to be challenged to find enough workers to staff current and future projects.

“With industry unemployment at a record low for June and openings at an all-time high for May, it is clear contractors can’t fill all the positions they would like to,” Ken Simonson, chief economist for Associated General Contractors of America, said in a statement.



While all construction sectors reported jobs gains in May, that was not the case in June. According to BLS, overall employment in the building construction sector declined by an estimated 3,900 jobs. That overall decline was the result of a loss of 4,500 jobs in the residential construction sector, combined with a modest gain of 600 positions among nonresidential building contractors.

“Although nonresidential contractors were able to add employees in June, the industry needs more as demand for projects is outpacing the supply of workers,” added AGC's Simonson.

The Associated Builders and Contractorsnotedthat, altogether, nonresidential construction employment increased by 16,500 positions overall as a result of gains in the nonresidential specialty trade, nonresidential building and heavy and civil engineering construction sectors.

ABC首席经济学家Anirban Basu在一份声明中指出:“通货膨胀已使许多人重新回到劳动力市场,以抵消基本和奢侈品的奢侈品的提高成本18luck.cub。”

Still, Basu added, "This does nothing, however, to dim the risk of recession," with the Federal Reserve likely to continue increasing interest rates.

"Higher borrowing costs working in conjunction with lofty materials prices and rapidly rising worker compensation mean that the threat of significant numbers of project postponements and cancellations remains firmly in place,” he said.

Construction's 3.7% unemployment rate reported for June 2022 is less than half that of the 7.5% rate reported back in June 2021.

Overall, the U.S. economy added 372,000 jobs in June, with the unemployment rate staying steady at 3.6%.