

Platts Analytics说,今年对美国饲料的需求平均每天约121.7亿立方英尺,直到7月13日,比2021年同期高15.4%。欧洲市场挤压by Russian gas supply cuts as a result of the Ukraine war.


Freeport LNG said it expects to resume partial plant operation in early October and full production by the end of the year, but new federal conditions for reopening may delay that further, analysts speculate.





芝加哥桥梁和铁公司是EPC财团的主要承包商,该财团建造了Freeport LNG的三列火车,该火车于2012年完成。McDermottInternational Inc.,该公司于2018年5月收购了CB&I,他较早拒绝评论,以期在该设施上工作。新利luck

The Woodlands, Texas-based fire safety and risk consultant IFO Group LLC has been hired to conduct a root cause failure analysis of the explosion, with a draft report set to be released to the agency and to Freeport LNG in coming weeks.

The federal agency's preliminary review suggested that an isolated pressure safety valve created overpressure in 300 ft of vacuum insulated piping, it said. The piping burst and allowed LNG and methane to escape, which caused the explosion and fire.

The ruptured pipe had been used to transfer LNG around the facility’s storage area and is located along a rack that supports additional piping, power cables and equipment, the agency said, noting that “much of the other piping in the area was also damaged and will require repairs or replacement before LNG transfer operations can recommence.”

据一名Bloomberg reportof a filing it says was “briefly posted” July 11 on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission website. A subequet ENR website review found no such filing.



As Freeport works to restart operations, other LNG developers are ramping up efforts to fill the capacity gap.

The Coast Guard now is preparing an environmental impact statement for New Fortress Energy’s first offshore natural gas export deepwater port to be located in federal waters about 16 miles off the coast of Grand Isle, La. The project includes adding LNG gas treating and liquefaction units on fixed offshore platforms, which the developer claims would have capacity to export about 2.8 million tons of LNG per year.

New Fortress Energy said that its Fast LNG liquefaction design pairs the latest advancements in modular, midsize liquefaction technology with jack-up rigs or similar offshore infrastructure, which allows lower cost and faster deployment than current floating liquefaction vessels and onshore terminals. The modular LNG plants will cost about half of a traditional facility and could be built in 25% to 50% of the usual construction time, the firm said.

New Fortress awarded Fluor Corp. on July 11 an EPC contract of undisclosed amount for the Fast LNG 2 project phase. Fluor won an earlier phase of the project, Fast LNG 1, in the first quarter of the year. The developer hopes to have the first phase operating in early 2023. No target operating date was disclosed for the second plant.

The construction cost of the project also was not disclosed.

Fluor's Energy Solutions Group集团总裁Jim Breuer表示,设计和执行计划允许未来项目的“重复项目模块”。18luck官网该公司补充说,模块化工厂将“可用于派遣到世界各地的各个地点,从而允许新的堡垒能源“进入多个天然气供应源”。

还旨在升级墨西哥湾的是Delfin Lng Deepwater Port 40,位于路易斯安那州卡梅隆教区的海上。全球能源贸易公司Vitol的美国部门Vitol宣布了长期LNG供应协议,每价格500,000公吨两年7月13日表示,该设施的一年。

指出在2013年提出了液化天然气作为布朗菲尔德德epwater port to support up to four floating LNG vessels handling up to 13 million tons per year, supplied by the 42-in.-dia. UTOS pipeline, the largest-natural-gas line in the Gulf.

Delfin Coo Wouter Pastoor在一份声明中说:“ Delfin已经完成了允许工作的允许工作。”



“Recent events have only accelerated the need for a wider array of potential buyers to source reliable low-cost energy from the safety of the US at compelling prices, and Delfin is perfectly positioned to serve this growing need,” said CEO Dudley Poston.