The U.S. Supreme Court has limited the ability of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate power plant greenhouse gas emissions, and though the court’s opinion referred to a fairly narrow provision within the Clean Air Act, the ruling potentially places broad restrictions on the ability of federal agencies to enact regulations to address the climate crisis, according to several sources.

The key question in West Virginia v. EPA—a decision released on June 30, the final day of the court’s term—was whether EPA exceeded its authority in re-interpreting statutory language within the federal Clean Air Act, specifically Section 111(d), to set emission-reduction goals beyond individual power plants to entire systems in its 2015 Clean Power Plan. In rereading that provision of the statute, the Obama administration’s EPA said it had authority to help facilitate the U.S. energy transition from coal-fired power to cleaner natural gas and renewables.


同样在6月30日,斯蒂芬·布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)大法官在中午后就正式辞职,因为他宣布在法庭上服役27年后宣布。他发誓,法院的最新法官Ketanji Brown-Jackson在职业生涯的早期就担任过Breyer的职务,并被普遍期望成为替补席上更加自由的法官之一。

Michael Haggarty, associate managing director of Moody’s Investors Service, said in a statement that the June 30 decision will have “little impact on the credit quality or carbon transition-related capital expenditure plans of U.S. regulated utilities, which are being driven more by customer and investor preferences, the declining cost of renewable energy and individual state energy policies.” But he said it will likely “reduce the risk of an accelerated carbon transition timeline driven by federal policy that could adversely affect utility credit, as it is unlikely the U.S. Congress will act as quickly or deliberately as EPA would have.”

环境al groups say they fear that time is running out to address the climate crisis, and that an accelerated timeline is exactly what is needed.


首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)为法院写作:“将二氧化碳排放限制为将迫使全国范围内过渡到使用煤炭发电的水平可能是[明智的解决方案]。但是,国会授予EPA在第111(d)节中自行采用这样的监管计划是不合理的。如此规模和后果的决定取决于国会本身,或者根据[IT]的明确代表团行事的代理机构。”


In their dissent, Justice Elena Kagan, joined by Justices Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, wrote: “Today, the Court strips the Environmental Protection Agency of the power Congress gave it to respond to ‘the most pressing environmental challenge of our time,’” as stated in the landmark case Massachusetts v. EPA, which gave EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gasses.

— EPA Administrator Michael Regan


美国相关总承包商公共事务执行副总裁Brian Turmail在一封电子邮件中说,AGC正在审查该裁决,以评估其可能如何影响成员。他说:“面临的挑战是,该裁决似乎并没有禁止EPA采取未来的行动,它只是确定了[机构如何]到目前为止的行政问题。”“考虑到EPA仍在制定一项法规,以对发电厂的温室气体排放设定限制,真正的问题是该裁决将对该机构的未决规则产生什么影响。”

Jeff Holmstead, a former chief of EPA’s office of air and radiation and now a partner at Bracewell, says that he expects the ruling to have little practical impact on EPA, which is already working on a new rule, had no plans to resurrect the never-enacted Clean Power Plan and was not planning to rely on Section 111(d). “I don’t think this changes [EPA’s] plans very much,” he told ENR.



But several sources said that although the court didn’t refer to the Chevron case, it ignored precedent that has been applied for more than 30 years. Maya van Rossum, an environmental activist and founder of Green Amendments for All, a policy-oriented nonprofit, notes, “They didn’t explicitly overrule it, but if they are going to ignore Chevron deference, then they might as well overrule it…. If they are not going to apply the precedent, what value is the precedent?”


As a result, recent efforts by agencies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to enact carbon-reduction regulations may not hold up to legal challenges, he said.

Another potential casualty could be the U.S. Transportation Dept.’s new proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, announced June 8. Nick Goldstein, vice president of regulatory affairs and legal issues for the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, says, “The DOT is not staying within its lane. It’s going into an area traditionally reserved for EPA. So, we don’t think there’s the authority for the DOT to do this.”

what’s Next?

EPA计划的新法规将提供比特朗普统治更多的保护,但该机构希望它在法律上仍然可以辩护。切萨皮克湾基金会(Chesapeake Bay Foundation)指出,虽然该决定范围缩小了联邦政府根据《联邦清洁空气法》的权力,但“它为EPA留出了履行其应对发电厂碳排放的责任的空间。”

In a statement, EPA Administrator Michael Regan said that while he is “deeply disappointed” in the ruling, the agency is “committed to using the full scope of [its] authorities to protect communities and reduce the pollution that is driving climate change. We will move forward to provide certainty and transparency for the energy sector, which will support industry’s ongoing efforts to grow our clean energy economy.”

looking ahead to the new Supreme Court term beginning in October, proponents of wider protections for the environment and a range of social issues are worried. The court will hear another blockbuster case, Sackett v. EPA, on the first day of the new session. The justices will consider the extent to which the Clean Water Act protects ephemeral and intermittent streams that do not have a direct surface connection to navigable bodies of water. The West Virginia v. EPA ruling, and the court’s decided tilt to the right “is a harbinger of things to come…. It does not bode well” for environmental cases, von Rossum says.