t两年前的夏天,35岁的盖理发师开始a new job with a contractor on a bridge project, sorting bolts in upstate Geneseo, N.Y. The temperature outdoors was in the 90s and at the end of his day Barber's father did not think he looked well. The next day he collapsed on the jobsite at the end of his shift, dying before reaching the hospital.

the cause was hyperthermia, or high body temperature.

理发师的父母have been campaigning ever since根据美国劳动部记录,对于更强大的工人热安全规则,他的前雇主正在对相关的美国职业安全和健康管理局进行挑战。Pavilion排水供应有限公司的所有者。已经告诉当地媒体那个理发师的死是一场可怕的悲剧,但他可以在桥梁项目中获得阴影和水。

two years later, the first crushing summer heat wave of 2022 is beating down on construction workers across the U.S. Yet the high temperatures have not dispelled employer concerns about what the Biden administration's new planned heat-safety standard could contain. They fear OSHA will adopt an overly detailed set of rules that will entangle employers without adding significantly to heat safety.


A mason looks up from his work during a scorching afternoon constructing an apartment building in a New York City suburb.
理查德·科尔曼(Richard Korman)的照片新利luck


劳工部首次发表了其高级notice of proposed rulemaking为了在2021年10月27日在室外和室内工作环境中进行热伤和疾病预防,并向该提案寻求公众评论。

在弗雷德·盖勒(Fred Geller Electrical)提交的评论中,作者说,湿度是美国东北部和纽约市的主要热应激问题之一。身份不明的受访者指出,它与空气质量差的混合可能导致严重的呼吸并发症。

Measuring Heat Stress


A coalition of construction-related employer associations, the Construction Industry Safety Council, also wants OSHA to keep things simple. It wrote in January of "significant concerns" about possible "complicated requirements" triggered by "threshold temperatures that are common in wide swaths of the country for much of the year."

理事会对OSHA的评论说,其成员“强烈认为,如果采用的法规方法 - 必须简单,应该整合“水,休息和阴影”的关键概念。

A great deal of supporting data was provided. Slightly under half of the从2011年到2019年,每年平均有38例与热量有关的死亡人数下降。OSHA说,在同一时间的时间里,平均每年有2700例损失的案件,但该机构也认为报告不足。


研究表明,在与热有关的工作危害方面,美国的拉丁裔移民代表性过高。Undocumented immigrants are especially vulnerable. V多年来,美味的建筑协会和公司提供了有关热量的指导。但是p出于对气候变化的极端摇摆的关注,也有新的与热有关的标准。

Four states—California, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington—already have heat standards in place for employers. They address hydration, shade, breaks, training and medical response plans. And Maryland and Nevada now require officials in their respective states to create their own workplace heat rules.


the National Safety Council, in its response to the request for comments, noted that some of its members have acclimatization plans for new employees and for existing employees when seasons and weather changes. Acclimatization is partly based on the idea that an 80°F heat wave in Alaska could impact workers there more than a 99°F day in Arizona.

其他建议可能不仅仅是建筑雇主团体愿意认可。总部位于休斯顿的安全顾问梅尔文·多巴(Melvin B.


CEO David Bauer said that Labor Dept. data show that during 2011-2020, environmental heat caused just three deaths and comparatively few lost work days.

'While any fatalities on the jobsite are most unfortunate and tragic,' and the BLS number 'could be slightly understated due to reporting omissions, the number of occurrences is still relatively low.'
David Bauer, CEO, American Road & Transportation Builders Association





在2020年7月7日理发师去世一周年之际,OSHA官员利用这次呼吁雇主保护工人免受热危害。在纽约州布法罗说OSHA Area Director Michael Scime said in a statement that the hazards employers are responsible for include "extreme heat."

James and Kathy Barber, Timothy's parents, joined in the occasion, saying that "no family should have to suffer a loss that is completely preventable."
