作为东南机场的1.33亿美元以上almost $1 billion earmarked由美国运输部联邦航空管理局的机场航站楼计划。根据USDOT 7月7日的一项公告,从佛罗里达州到北卡罗来纳州的九个机场将从FAA计划中的每年五亿美元承诺中受益。

东南部的机场之一第一轮奖项中的全国85, set to be spent on new construction, renovation and expansion at small and large airports across five states. Funding is from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Historically, the FAA has invested in runways, traffic-control towers and airport infrastructure each year. The ATP is the first time since 2009's Obama-era American Recover and Reinvestment Act that airports have had new additional funding from the federal government, the FAA says.

The airport terminal program received more than 650 applications totaling $14 billion in projects, the FAA says.

At the Orlando International Airport, $50 million will help fund construction of new gates capable of serving four wide-body or eight narrow-body aircraft, increasing capacity, providing accessibile facilities. The project is aimed at LEED green- building certification, according to the release.

大奥兰多航空管理局首席执行官凯文·蒂博(Kevin Thibault)表示:“这笔钱将推动我们的设计向前恢复在C终端上建造四个原本计划的大门,从而提高了我们的乘客的容量和效率。”

At the Asheville, N.C., regional airport, $15 million will go toward construction of an air traffic control tower to replace the existing 61-year-old tower. It is also an enabling project for the expansion and renovation of the terminal, helping to achieve increased capacity. The project also includes replacing aging and obsolete infrastructure and improving safety and energy efficiency.

"The air traffic control tower here is one of the oldest operating control towers in the country," says Tina Kinsey, a spokesperson for the Asheville Regional Airport.

The old tower is adjacent to the terminal and needs to be relocated as a stand-alone tower, she adds.


The $15 million in ATP funding will be folded into a $50-million project to construct the new tower, a 13,000-sq-ft building for FAA offices, engineering and maintenance space and the Terminal Radar Approach Control facility.

In Chattanooga, Tenn., $5 million will fund phase one of a terminal expansion project to enlarge the airport’s second level by almost 27,000 sq ft, according to the USDOT release. The expansion includes two new gates, one expanded gate, restrooms, and additional passenger queuing, holding room and circulation space.

A smaller, $475,000 grant will go to Crossville, Tennessee’s Crossville Memorial Airport to help bring the terminal building into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


In Gainesville, Fla., $1.67 million will improve a multimodal ground transportation facility, including covered and lit accessible walkways to the commercial airline terminal, a covered passenger waiting area, accessible restrooms and queuing lanes for taxis and city buses.

At Sarasota, Fla.’s Bradenton International Airport, $10 million will fund a new Concourse A Ground Boarding Facility to add five new gates and hold rooms, add four security checkpoint lanes and replace the existing two-chiller central energy plant. Concourse B will be improved with expanded holding rooms, additional escalators, modified gate entrances and upgraded power and communications equipment.

在亚特兰大,位于哈茨菲尔德 - 杰克逊国际机场,4000万美元将用于现代化40年历史的大厅,并扩大了居住的房间,洗手间和中央走廊。更新将提高乘客容量,ADA合规性,并帮助机场获得LEED黄金认证。

该计划拒绝了夏洛特·道格拉斯国际机场的申请,发言人说,该机场以其2.31亿美元的Concourse II阶段寻求超过1.675亿美元。

无论如何,施工正在向前发展。JE Dunn和McFarland合资企业始于5月的工作。在土地上,将有10个新的大门在土地上是租车设施,在180万平方英尺的航站楼增加了近20万平方英尺。
