美国立法者投票通过向乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统发送一项法案,该法案将作为2800亿美元支出的一部分,520亿美元,以增强半导体芯片制造业,其中包括390亿美元用于建设芯片工厂。投票缓解了芯片制造商的担忧,即延误资金可能会减慢其项目。18luck官网

Known as theChips and Science Act,the legislation would also provide tax breaks for chipmakers and billions of dollars more for research.

President Biden is expected to sign the bill into law. In a statement, he said the legislation would help create jobs and lead to lower prices of goods that use semiconductors—everything from "cars to dishwashers."

“这将意味着美国供应链更有弹性s, so we are never so reliant on foreign countries for the critical technologies that we need for American consumers and national security,” Biden said.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 243-187 to pass the bill July 28, with just one additional day scheduled before Congress’ August recess. That followed a 64-33 Senate vote to pass the bill July 27.

Proponents of the bill have called it necessary for national security because of the wide range of equipment that requires the chips, from telecommunications to military. They have also said it would increase the U.S. economy’s competitiveness with China, as supply chain delays have caused chip shortages that have stifled manufacturing of some goods.

“This Chips and Science Bill is going to create millions of good paying jobs down the road,” Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) said ahead of the votes. “It will alleviate supply chains, it will help lower costs and it will protect America's national security interests.”

该立法获得了建筑行业团体的支持,包括相关的总承包商。AGC政府关系副总裁詹姆斯·克里斯蒂安森(James Christianson)在给参议员的信中敦促他们对该法案进行投票,并写道Fab建设将导致进一步的投资,以建造学校,商业建筑和基础设施。

“AGC not only supports the CHIPS Act because it provides $39 billion to fund the construction of these facilities, but also because these facilities will spur broader economic development and new, long-term construction jobs,” Christianson wrote.

U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing Down

The Semiconductor Industry Association says the U.S. share of semiconductor manufacturing has dropped from 37% in 1990 to 12%. Chipmakers had already been moving to increase their U.S.-based production, with several plants known as “fabs” currently under construction.

这些包括一对Intel fabsworth $20 billion in Chandler, Ariz., andTexas Instruments’得克萨斯州谢尔曼(Sherman)的65亿美元工厂。制造商还宣布了即将到来的项目来建造新工厂。18luck官网Samsung Electronicspicked Taylor, Texas, as the location for its $17-billion facility last year, and recently filed paperwork indicating it could spend nearly $200 billion on 11 plants in the state.

Before the July 28 vote, some manufacturers had indicated their planned fab projects could be delayed if lawmakers failed to reach an agreement on the proposed $52 billion to support chip manufacturing. The Senate passed a similar bill last year, but that stalled in the House. House lawmakers then voted on another类似的法案今年早些时候,但批评了inclusion of provisions from the PRO Act, which would have had an impact on labor negotiations.

6月,一位英特尔发言人告诉ENR,它的开始新利luck$20-billion manufacturing siteproject in Ohio could be delayed as a result of the slow negotiations in Congress, and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said a $5-billion project to build a GlobalWafers fab in Sherman, Texas, could be in jeopardy if lawmakers didn’t pass the bill before the August recess.

Tom Laird, president and CEO of Gilbane, which Intel selected to lead early excavation work for its Ohio project, said in a statement that the legislation would incentivize the production of critical technology.

"We believe the bill will deliver a great impact to the construction industry in terms of spurring project development and creating jobs, while also enabling the creation of regional technology hubs and a variety of opportunities for manufacturers," Laird said.

The bill had bipartisan support, but had been criticized by some Republicans, who said it would subsidize companies that do not need assistance and potentially heighten inflation.

“This is corporate welfare,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said July 19.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also criticized the funding, saying in a statement that profitable chipmakers created the shortage themselves by shutting down 780 plants over the past 20 years.
