New York and California are pushing new actions to speed up the clean energy transition at the state level, while a major U.S. utility says it is developing an estimated $13-billion offshore wind project off Vietnam set to generate more than 4 GW of power.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom in late July said he is committed to make “carbon neutrality state law” by increasing more zero-carbon power sources from wind, solar, geothermal and hydrogen, and also by sequestrating carbon in natural and working lands.

Newsom希望加快该州自然和工程碳清除项目的发展,并指示加利福尼亚空气资源委员会设定目标,以便到2030年之前清除2000万吨碳。他还指示州能源委员18luck官网会至少设定一个目标到2045年,20 GW的海上风能,并与联邦机构合作以加速部署。

The new directive follows by one month Newsom's signing of a state budget with $54 billion for climate actions, including $100 million to support a network of methane detection satellites and $100 million to plug orphan oil wells.

But some environmental groups are not happy with Newsom’s plan. Mark Schlosberg, acting California director of Food & Watch Watch, said the governor and the air board “must stop kicking the can down the road" and no longer should support "fossil fuel industry schemes like carbon capture and hydrogen.”

NY Outlines Mesh-Ready Grid

New York released its third solicitation for offshore wind projects July 27, seeking proposals to develop at least 2 GW and as much as 4.6 GW, to bring the state closer to its target of 9 GW deployed by 2035.

New York currently has 4.3 GW of offshore wind being developed in five projects, the first of which—the 130-MW South Fork—started construction earlier this year by the joint venture of Denmark-based developer Ørsted and Massachusetts utility Eversource. Located 35 miles east of Montauk Point, it is set to operate in late 2023 and connect to the onshore grid in East Hampton, N.Y.

Eversource has said it intends to sell its 50% share of its venture with Ørsted, using what CFO John Moreira said in a recent earnings call could total $3 billion in proceeds to shift its development focus to offshore wind project grid connections in New York and in other states.

Eversource首席执行官乔·诺兰(Joe Nolan)对投资者说:“我要说的是服务领土的皇冠上的珠宝。”“我们在这里的负载中心。无论是在康涅狄格州还是马萨诸塞州,这都是负载所在的地方,这就是人们想要连接的地方。”诺兰表示,该公司预计将在第四季度确认可能是买家,并于2023年完成交易。

The latest New York solicitation also includes a stipulation that proposed projects include design of a “meshed ready” offshore transmission configuration outlined in a state power grid新利luck这将链接离岸变电站以创建具有更大灵活性和可靠性的系统。该研究建新利luck议将准备就绪的选项“可能仅以适度的增量成本为单位”,这也可以使与邻近电力市场的新互连,并使该系统“随着时间的推移增长”。18luck.cub


这是一个不断增长的州,联邦和行业对东海岸和其他州面临的传输基础设施挑战的结果,该挑战具有渐进的近海风能和其他可再生能源的计划,并且需要在地理上扩大动力传递,as an ENR April cover story reported

Astudy issued on Aug. 1劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)说,美国传输计划者可能没有考虑区域和区域间能力的价值,以提高极端条件和高使用时期的网格可靠性。联邦能源监管委员会还提出了规则更改,需要最少的区域间电力转移。

The New York solicitation also says that high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology will be required for all projects where cables will be installed in constrained areas. “If HVDC is used, projects must be mesh-ready to strengthen reliability and provide redundancy,” it says. More details on the requirement will be released by the N.Y. State Energy Research and Development Authority(NYSERDA) in mid-August.


The document also awards points for proposals that repurpose existing downstate fossil-based electric generation infrastructure, particularly in New York City, and for using energy storage. It also encourages project labor agreements backed by prevailing wages and sets minimum requirements for purchases of U.S.-made iron and steel.

Europe's Linked Transmission



Danish grid firm Energinet has floated plans for two energy islands in Denmark territory in the North and Baltic Seas that are set to link with Germany and Belgium. There are also talks with Norway, the Netherlands and Germany about future projects, a firm official told media.

丹麦,荷兰,德国和比利时在五月中旬宣布计划,到2050年,从今天的约15 GW建造150吉瓦的海上风能。

Asian Nations Boost Wind

越南在近海风的另一个迹象中,越南于7月29日宣布,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的能源公用事业公司AES Corp.将开发一个主要的离岸风电场,官员们表示,这将是一项130亿美元的投资,能​​够产生4GW的电力。

AES, which operates in 15 countries, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on the letter of intent it submitted to Vietnam to build the project.

Vietnam has about 4 GW of wind capacity currently and wants to install 11.7 GW by 2030 and 66 GW by 2045, said the Ministry of Industry and Trade in a statement.

西班牙 - 德国涡轮机制造商西门子游戏公司还宣布,上个月它赢得了日本的首个“公司”海上风力制造订单,用于建造14台涡轮机,每台8兆瓦,为该国的112毫W。。

The firm did not disclose the contract value. Siemens Gamesa also said it has received 3 GW of “firm orders” for turbines from Taiwan.