BIM files faster, new AEC workflows, data risk and common data exchanges. These are just a few of the topics covered at Egnyte’sAEC领导峰会。And with participation from 15 clients, six outside experts, and three partners across 21 sessions, the conference covered a lot of ground.

These days, everyone is busy. So, it’s understandable if you weren’t able to attend or couldn’t catch every session. But don’t worry, we’ve rounded up the biggest highlights to get you up to speed.

Here are the top 10 things you missed at Egnyte’s AEC Leadership Summit.


The future usage and value of data will impact every phase of the project. But understanding, implementing and gaining insight from that data is a collective effort that needs to consider more than just technology. It’s about people, workflows, and culture. These sessions all looked at different aspects of how to turn data into insight.

Implementing Innovation on the Jobsite

来自Brasfield&Gorrie,Kast Construction and Management Systems International的行业领导者讨论了如何在工作现场实施更好的协作和沟通deliver performance gainsacross the project.

Common Data Exchanges

建筑进度联盟执行董事内森·伍德(Nathan Wood)研究了企业如何拥抱共同的数据交换,以改变其如何协作和保护其数据。结果是提高了项目效率,提高利润和降低风险。

The Role of Data Lineage

Hugh Seaton, general manager at Crosswalk, looked at how you can establish the right practices to manage and communicate data lineage, building the foundation for the next set of data driven technologies.


Burger Consulting Group的校长Christian Burger涵盖了数据管理,集成,记录管理和其他对当今CIO或IT经理很重要的趋势概念。


Diving in and getting your hands dirty is nothing new to those who work in the industry. That's why these sessions focused on practical insights from your peers that can be implemented immediately to improve day-to-day operations.

如何Reducing Data Risk Improves the Bottom Line

AXA XL,AON和PCL的专家讨论了数据对AEC公司的影响overall risk profile。They also provided steps to minimize the impact to your bottom line.

Reducing Cost and Speeding Delivery


准备CMMC 2.0

Nick Espinosa, chief security fanatic at Security Fanatics, took a deep dive into CMMC 2.0 and the steps you can take to prepare your firm for compliance.

Delivering Faster and Cheaper Projects: A PM’s View

WDP咨询工程师的部门经理 /高级工程师本·汤森(Ben Townsend)讨论了他访问最新项目文档的方式,无论位置如何,以及如何帮助他为客户提供更好的结果。


Autodesk谈到了IPAAS和改善工作流程,Fisk Electric的Dado谈到了AEC公司面临文档面临的挑战,并与Anchor Qea进行了Raken,研究了如何改善日常报告。

Technology You Can Use



Egnyteannounced ahost of new featuresas part of its AEC Package, including:

  • BIM文件搜索。搜索both on and "inside" specialized BIM files, such as CAD drawings, to find the right documents quickly.
  • BIM文件预览。Preview files without using specialized software, including the ability to quickly rotate, zoom and measure within the file.
  • Project Lifecycle Management.关闭项目并在完成后撤18luck官网销项目内容的不必要的许可。
  • 先进的Procore集成。Near real-time continuous sync, providing faster access to files and improving collaboration between organizations and within internal teams.

Check out the Sessions On-Demand


The good news: all the sessions are available on-demand. You can even watch them at twice the normal speed to get all the insight in half the time.现在访问按需会议


Check out all the sessions from the virtual AEC conference on-demand.Watch Now