Surging global demand has progressed work on two giant liquefied natural gas export projects in British Columbia, the planned $4 billion Woodfibre LNG and the estimated $31-billiion LNG Canada now under construction—the first such facilities to be built in Canada.

至少两个其他设施也正在打量着by private developers on Canada's east coast, with rising needs in Europe and reports that Germany is seeking LNG exports from the region. Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said the government will assist with the private negotiations by developer Repsol and Pieridae Energy, but it will not financially support proposed projects, theGlobe and Mail reported在七月。

在总部位于卡尔加里的管道公司Enbridge Inc.已同意购买该综合大楼的30%所有权股权之后,伍德菲比纤维项目的建设活动将继续前进,而总部位于新加坡的开发商Pacific Energy Corp.持有其余部分。


“The current energy outlook validates our dual-pronged strategy to expand our existing conventional pipeline and export businesses, while ramping up investment in low-carbon opportunities to drive future growth platforms,” Enbridge CEO Al Monaco said in the firm's most recent quarterly results call. It also has noted plans for new pipelines to support LNG export site expansions in Texas and Louisiana.

同时,TC Energy(也是位于卡尔加里的TC Energy上个月下旬)同意继续进行其沿海Gaslink管道项目,该项目将将天然气运送到卑诗省建造的巨型航站楼。在7月与加拿大开发商的长期成本纠纷解决了长期的成本纠纷之后,在Kitimat的海岸。


开发商在6月表示,液化天然气在卑诗省基蒂马特(Kitimat)的液化天然气出口码头项目由Fluor Corp.-JGC Corp.合资企业正在建设中,已完成约60%。
Photo: LNG Canada

现在,该管道的成本估计为87.2亿美元,比原始51亿美元的价格高出70%,TC能源引用天气问题,大流行和未指定的设计变化,以增加成本。媒体报道还指出,在土著和绿色团体抗议活动的抗议活动中,重复停止,但说TC Energy现在与代表该路线上原住民人民的理事会达成协议。这些社区中约有16个可以选择购买该项目10%的股份。

The Shell-led LNG Canada project, including the export terminal, pipeline and gas drililng work, is estimated at $31 billion if two phases are executed. Its current first phase, estimated at $14 billion, now is about 60% complete. Fluor Corp. and JGC Corp.are building the terminal under a design-build contract.

Developers have not yet decided when they will make a final investment decision on its second phase, a spokesperson told地球和邮件。

To offset costs, developers are banking on the increased global gas demand in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which is expected to grow 50% by the end of the decade, reaching 75 billion cu ft per day, TC Energy CEO Francois Poirier said on a July 28 earnings call.

He said Coastal GasLink is about 70% complete, with mechanical in-service expected by the end of 2023. "Together with LNG Canada, this project will provide the first direct path for Canadian natural gas to reach global LNG markets," Poirier said.

LNG Canada now estimates the first shipment of natural gas will occur from the Kitimat terminal by the middle of the decade, a spokesperson stated in an email. TC Energy has said it hopes to start line testing in 2024.

“LNG Canada and its joint venture participants have reached a commercial resolution with Coastal GasLink to address cost and schedule performance,” which allows "a renewed focus on delivering the pipeline within the revised cost estimate," an LNG Canada spokesperson said in a statement.

On the Woodfibre project, preconstruction will involve environmental remediation of the site, which had been a paper and pulp mill for a century. Crews will also close an old landfill.

McDermott International will oversee work on Woodfibre, with groundbreaking expected next year and completion in 2027.