新策略正在帮助一些项目交付teams improve schedule and cost efficiency thanks to better material use, data monitoring and greater collaboration between team members, even as the industry copes with skilled labor shortages and an uncertain economic outlook.

Construction Industry Institute experts shared findings from their latest research during the group's annual conference, held Aug. 1 to 3 in Cleveland, with the theme “Rockin’ How the World Builds.”

While innovation can come in the form of a flashy new application such as a robotics platform, it’s really about continuous improvement in methodology, tools and processes, said Keith Churchill, Bechtel chief innovation officer and a panelist at the conference. Researchers shared how strategies such as advanced work packaging and industrial integrated project delivery can make projects run more smoothly, and offered attendees best practices to implement them.


CIIResearch Team 384研究建筑材料的数字跟踪和追踪,以及在现场和现场实施它的方法,以确保在正确的时间和正确的序列中将所需的材料数量交付到正确的位置。他们通过调查和研讨会从数十家公司中做出了回应,并分析了10个案例研究。Dow Chemical Co.的Bryan Kendig说,研究人员发现材料可能会影响项目总安装成本的40%至50%,并且适当的材料管理可以提高工艺和劳动生产率6%,而16%减少时间表。




另一个CII研究小组还将其研究重点放在材料上。新利luckResearch Team 380调查了在资本项目中使用所谓的“循环经济”,以及该战略可以为节省成本和环境所带来的收益。18luck官网

滑铁卢大学的卡尔·哈斯(Carl Haas)说,建筑通常遵循线性而不是循环经济。结果,该行业负责超过一半的国内材料消费和大部分固体废物。但是循环经济- 试图使经济活动与有限资源的消费相结合 - 更有效地使用了材料,并具有更广泛的再利用和回收利用。研究人员发现,2018年在美国生产了超过6亿吨的建筑和拆除垃圾。尽管许多建筑材料有可能被回收和重复使用,但只有40%的人正在回收。

“We consume a lot of resources to get the job done, and we produce mountains of waste,” Haas said.

史密森尼机构的莎拉·鼓(Sarah Drumming)分享了一些成功的项目的例子,这些项目遵循循环经济原则。18luck官网当史密森尼人建造其查尔斯·麦克(Charles McC)时。马里兰州Edgewater的史密森尼环境研究中心的Mathias实验室,该团队节省了能源和维护成本。18luck.cub她说,该建筑物已通过LEED铂金认证,比非滑行实验室低37%。此外,回收了94%的建筑废物。

帮助公司发展围绕一个循环经济, the team prepared a readiness guide and an implementation guide. Nancy Kralik of Fluor Corp., the head of the research team, said the guides will help businesses extend the life of products, save money and meet sustainability goals with both short-term and long-term opportunities.

“We’re here because we’re industry leaders,” Kralik told attendees. “We have the expertise and the economic power to make changes in the way that we view our processes without being pushed by government regulations.”