California Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a sweeping new water strategy for the state that calls for more than $8 billion in state investments to shore up the dwindling resource.根据文件到2040年,该州面临其供水量的10%。

The plan outlines a strategy to capture, recycle, desalinate and conserve more water over the next two decades to provide enough supply for nearly 8.4 million households.

“最好的科学告诉我们,我们现在需要采取行动以适应加利福尼亚的水未来。气候变化意味着干旱将不仅像历史上那样坚持两年,而且天气是美国西部的永久性固定装置,加利福尼亚州将适应这一新现实。” Newsom说。

The plan does not mandate water conservation statewide. Currently water districts have been allowed to call for restrictions as deemed necessary due to drought conditions.

The plan comes as California and six other states in the Colorado River Basin water supply system face an Aug. 16 deadline to alert the federal Bureau of Reclamation as to how they plan to reduce use to save 2 million to 4 million acre-ft of water next year. The directive was given in June by BuRec Commissioner Camille Touton as the agency prepares to announce 24-month projections for water levels in Lakes Powell and Mead.


A key component of the California plan is expansion of state water storage capacity by up to 4 million acre-ft, aiming to recycle and reuse 800,000 acre-ft of water annually by 2030 and improve water conservation to free up 500,000 acre-ft of water. To accomplish that, the state would need to facilitate a host of pending infrastructure projects including desalination plants, reservoirs and groundwater-recharge facilities.

一份声明中说:“我们感谢政府对新供应和基础设施的支持。”“We will be working hand in hand with the Governor’s office and the water agencies across the state, the southwest and Metropolitan’s service area to develop new supplies and infrastructure that will provide resilience to protect our health, economy and environment with no one left behind.”

California's new Water Supply Strategylargely echoes the state’smaster water plan released two years ago。除了基础设施投资外,它还包括节约水资源的措施,同时使国家如何通过新技术管理水进行现代化。据官员称,新计划将加速这些举措,以应对该州日益增长的水危机。

消息om’s plan calls on the state legislature to streamline the planning and permitting process for water projects so they can be built more quickly. Currently, the complex nature of the state’s water rights system and environmental regulations challenges efforts to develop better water infrastructure.

2014年,加利福尼亚选民批准了27亿美元的投资储藏项目18luck官网, with seven projects that would provide 2.77 million acre-ft of gross storage capacity now under development. Four involve groundwater storage and three involve creation of a new or expanded reservoir. Two projects are set to begin construction next year but the rest remain in the permitting process.

The water supply strategy would help prioritize more than $8 billion in state funding meant to modernize water infrastructure and management.

该州2021 - 2022年预算在加利福尼亚水系统上进行的52亿美元投资使紧急干旱响应,改善了节水和融资的当地干旱弹性项目。18luck官网

The state’s 2022-2023 budget includes an additional $2.8 billion for drought mitigation over the next three years.

消息om called for administering $100 million of those funds to accelerate safety repairs on dozens of dams in the state that operate at limited capacity due to their poor condition. His plan calls for investing $10 billion in water recycling projects alone by 2030 and $27 billion to achieve the 2040 goal of recycling an additional 1.8 million acre-ft of water.

Officials at the Association of California Water Agencies said the group supported the plan’s development of new water supplies through increased recycled water, desalination, above- and below-ground storage capacity and groundwater replenishment.

辛迪·塔克(Cindy Tuck)说:“随着由于气候变化,加利福尼亚州继续经历更长,更干燥的时期,地方和地区水管理人员都知道,国家对水基础设施的投资对于为人们,食品供应,经济和环境确保水供应至关重要。”该组织的政府关系副执行董事。