专家说,由于《改变游戏规则的降低通货膨胀法》中联邦税收优惠,绿色氢行可以在全球范围内飙升signed by President Joe Biden on Aug. 16,该国最大的氢燃料电池生产商表示,明年将投资10亿美元来建造新工厂。

“每个人都想要绿色氢。现在有一个帕特h that makes it competitive,” says Andrew Marsh, CEO of Latham, N.Y.- based Plug Power. He says the fuel produced from renewable power sources will be cost-competitive “across all sorts of applications” with gray hydrogen produced from non carbon-captured fossil fuels and even natural gas-derived blue hydrogen that includes carbon-capture.


Green hydrogen now typically costs between $2.50/kg and $6/kg to produce, with gray hydrogen costing from $1/kg to $2/kg to manufacture, say experts.

The tax credit in the law now take the cost of green hydrogen “off the table,” Marsh says. The 10-year tax credit insures the subsidy will be around for the long term, he says.


The law says green hydrogen projects could receive renewable energy tax credits valued at $30/MWh in addition to the hydrogen ones, but blue hydrogen projects would be ineligible for hydrogen tax credits if they already receive federal tax credits for carbon capture and storage. .

Plug Power预计,其在绿色氢中的美国业务以及用清洁能力在水中分离水分子来创造它的电解剂的繁荣,这表明其欧洲电解剂订单超过了今年的预测50%。

该公司于8月4日与New Fortress Energy签署了一项协议,以建造德克萨斯州博蒙特附近的120兆瓦工业规模的绿色氢植物,该绿色植物最初每天生产50吨绿色氢气,但可扩展到500兆瓦基础设施。该工厂将为墨西哥湾沿岸的工业客户提供服务。

Oppenheimer and Co.的分析师Colin Rusch在对投资者的一份报告中说:“我们希望该公司能够积极预订新业务并在美国建立全面的绿色氢网络。”


Industry Publication说Recharge,adding thata price below $1 per kilogram, however, could immediately stimulate demand for green steel and possibly in other industry sectors such as cement and glassmaking.


基本税收抵免为$ 0.60/千克清洁氢,但当碳强度达到一定水平时,绿色氢项目“符合现行的工资和学徒要求”时,将增加到$ 3/kg。,也可以将其视为直接付款,“对于新兴的绿色氢产业来说确实是革命性的。”


“This positions the U.S. as the most competitive places in the world to develop green hydrogen projects,” the Shearman & Sterling analysis says. Because the climate-change law also will spur other countries to develop subsidies to support projects, it "should be viewed as a significant boost to the development of a worldwide hydrogen economy,” the attorney say.


The wage requirement in the law multiplies the size of the credit by a factor of five. The owner is required to make sure that no less than the applicable percentage of total labor hours for a project’s construction is provided by certified apprentices.
