The Biden administration has released a proposal that would require project labor agreements (PLAs) on large federal construction projects. It would give contracting officers at federal agencies some latitude to opt out of adopting a labor agreement through a variety of exceptions, but industry groups say the mandate could raise the costs of construction and discourage contractors who choose not to affiliate with a union from bidding on larger projects that use federal dollars.

The拟议的规则,在8月19日发表在联邦公报上,将修改美国联邦收购法规(FAR)的价值3500万美元或更多的项目。18luck官网远处理事会的行动,其成员包括管理和预算办公室的代表,国防部和通用服务管理局,这是对2月4日总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的一项行政命令的回应,指出应强制性PLA关于联邦项目,除了一些18luck官网例外。

前总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在第一任期初期的一项类似命令的不同,这鼓励了联邦项目的平原而不是要求,并将门槛提高到3500万美元,而奥巴马政府期间则为2500万美元。18luck官网


Stanley Kolbe, executive director of government and political affairs at the The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA), which represents signatory contractors, told ENR, “I would say it’s like professional baseball. You want to have the best team on the field … and performance really is the bottom line in construction.” Union workers, whether a journey person or a master plumber or other tradesperson, typically have gone through rigorous training through a registered apprenticeship program at great expense to their employers,” Kolbe said. “It’s like the gold standard.”








PLAs also have been used on many megaprojects in the private sector for decades. Some of these projects have been for industry giants like Toyota, Apple and Intel, Kolbe says.

美国相关总承包商的首席执行官斯蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen Sandherr)告诉Enr,他没有选择在项目上拥有PLA的私人所有者的疑问。18luck官网新利luck他说,他们正在为这些项目使用自己的资金,可以做他们想做的任何事情。18luck官网


Moreover, if an open shop contractor decides to bid on a contract with a PLA and receives a contract award, that firm will be forced to pay into benefit contributions, pensions, health and welfare on their employees' behalf with “the likelihood that their employees will not ever get those benefits,” Sanherr said, while still continuing to pay into the employee’s 401(k) plan.


Most of these contracts were at the US Dept. of Defense and related agencies, AGC said.

ABC监管,州和劳工事务副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)在一次采访中说,该提案是一系列亲劳工白宫行动中的最新提案。他指出,《降低通货膨胀法》不仅要求工人遵守注册的学徒计划,而且还包括在某些私人资助的能源和减少税收减少建筑项目的税收抵免要求中的现行工资要求。18luck官网

