加利福尼亚’s high-speed rail plans are chugging forward. The state authority behind the rail system OK’d an environmental review of an estimated $4-billion stretch that would extend the line 43 miles from San Jose north to San Francisco.

当这项工作可以出价时,还有待观察。加利福尼亚州北加州地区总监鲍里斯·利普金(Boris Lipkin)说,建设开端仍然三到五年,将取决于何时可用资金。


The authority's board of directors certified the最终环境影响报告/声明for the high-speed rail between San Jose and San Francisco, the authority announced Aug. 18. With the move, the authority says it has environmental clearance for 420 miles of the project’s planned 500-mile alignment between Anaheim and San Francisco, including all of its northern California review.

Construction is currently underway on 119 miles of high-speed rail in the Central Valley. The authority’s board recently approved design contracts worth $41 million for the Merced-Madera section and $44.9 million for Fresno-Bakersfield. In April, the authority's board of director's certified the environmental review of the圣何塞 - 梅里克部分




从先前已批准的圣何塞的迪里登高速火车站向西北行驶,该部分将在旧金山国际机场附近的米尔布雷(Millbrae)和第四街和国王街(King Streets)的旧金山市中心增加。计划要求该市区车站仅暂时使用,直到Transbay联合权力管理局将电气化导轨走廊扩展到Salesforce Transit中心,然后将其作为高速线路的终端站。

The board selected its preferred alternative for the section, which would build on commuter rail service of Caltrain’s electrification project corridor and minimize impacts on areas along its route compared to a second option that had been considered. The rejected option would have added about 6 miles of additional passing tracks, records show.

“我们能够真正驱使这些影响甚至further down where I think we would have just a handful of property impacts that we ultimately have at the end of the project,” Lipkin says. “For 40 miles, that's a big deal.”

需要修改约17.4英里的Caltrain轨道,以支持高达110 mph的速度。这些项目18luck官网还将包括建造站和灯光维护场。



由于地理和建筑条件不同,并且需要不同的解决方案,因此每个高铁线的每个部分都面临着独特的挑战,因此当局使用了几种项目交付方法。在里面Central Valley,根据三个大型设计建设合同,工作被打破。但是对于当局希望对客户体验进行更多控制的电台,利普金说,他们已经使用了设计竞标的安排。他补充说,旧金山 - 圣何塞部分的合同可以遵循这些示例,或使用其他方法。

The San Francisco-San Jose section would run through urban areas. Because the line will share Caltrain’s footprint, Lipkin says the agency has been a close partner on this section. Construction will need to work around Caltrain’s service to keep their trains running amid the work.

Only two more sections still need environmental review—Los Angeles to Anaheim and Palmdale to Burbank. Lipkin says the draft environmental statement for the latter should be released within the next few weeks.

The authority also has proposed plans for an eventual second phase, which would include adding high-speed rail lines from Merced to Sacramento on the service’s northern end, and lines farther south to San Diego.