

Overcoming these challenges requires a fresh approach that addresses the inherent problems in the standard FCA.


Why? Because it’s overwhelming and difficult for your clients to navigate.

A typical FCA report binder could hold well over 20,000 pages. A PDF version of an FCA can be just as large. Imagine trying to find the page for a single air handler among all that information. The majority of the data is inaccessible to your clients because it’s so difficult to sort through, making it ultimately unusable. The report becomes a glorified paperweight and eventually winds up in the trash can.

这是纸质FCA报告的肮脏秘密 - 大多数客户只看了资本支出建议。成千上万的所有页面中的所有其余部分都只是作为神殿坐在架子上,完成了所做的所有辛勤工作。


Problem #2: The Current FCA Process is Broken


  • 不良设施数据
  • Complex, poorly implemented FM software


Does this hypothetical situation sound familiar? Your FCA engineer wants to know the complete maintenance history for air handler unit 62. He asks the facility team for the CMMS export on that asset. But it only shows some of the preventive maintenance history─no reactive maintenance.

That’s because whenever air handler 62 has been serviced, it’s treated as a work order issue instead of an asset-specific issue. Occupants complain that the room air handler 62 services is always too hot, so the maintenance team resolves the issue and closes the work order. But that maintenance isn’t associated with air handler 62 in the CMMS.

When it comes time to review maintenance history, your engineer and the building’s facility team don’t know about all that reactive maintenance done on air handler 62. Multiply that by the thousands of assets in a building and you see how difficult it is to get an accurate read on what’s happening.

Another hurdle blocking good FCA results is facility management systems that are so complicated that people don’t use them. Say your client’s facilities manager wants to associate a photo with an asset in their system. Seems easy enough─until they realize the asset isn’t named correctly, so they can’t even find it.



这是绝对可能的 - 良好的数据,好的工具正在完全改革FCA和设施管理。

You (and Your Clients) Deserve Better FCAs

传统FCA存在的主要原因之一是向建筑运营商展示how to spend capital。但这是一种非常反应的做事方式。设施团队让资产恶化,然后带您来进行FCA,以便您告诉他们最迫切的需求在哪里。

But that was then. This is now. Thanks to better technology, FCAs are becoming more proactive and able to support more predictive facilities management. Instead of a once-every-five-years-snapshot of a facility, the FCA data can live on in a facilities management platform where it can be constantly updated over time.


专门构建的软件工具不仅是存储和维护设施状况数据的地方 - 它们还彻底改变了FCA过程本身。如何?通过促进更好的数据收集。


  • Faster onsite collection:添加照片和将信息直接输入到平台当你去时。
  • 更高的准确性:在让您继续前进之前,请确保您正确输入所有必要的信息。
  • 降低数据丢失的风险:Input data into the system as you collect it to reduce the risk of the facility data being lost due to a computer crash or misplaced notes.


这些只是FCA软件可以为您的公司带来的冰山冰山的尖端。从更具竞争力的FCA可交付成果到实现未开发的赚钱机会, FCA software is bringing incredible technological innovation to an area that has historically been overlooked.


  • 传统的静态FCA的四个缺点
  • FCA软件提供了八种方式提供更有价值的最终产品
  • 您的公司在没有FCA软件的情况下亏损的六种方式
  • 如何为公司确定FCA软件的ROI