After more than six months of scrutiny, San Francisco’s Department of Building Inspection has issued a revised building permit for the revamped perimeter pile upgrade of the settling 645-ft-tall Millennium Tower, thanks to a determination from the planning department that the revised scheme would not have any negative environmental impacts. The upgrade now consists of 18 piles to bedrock, already installed, rather than 52.

DBI在一份声明中说:“在与工程设计审查团队协商时,旧金山建筑检查部已批准了301 Mission Foundation Raterofit的修订许可申请。”

千年塔楼房主协会发言人道格·埃尔米特斯(Doug Elmets)表示,两周前,Shimmick Construction完成了一堵通往岸边宣教街的墙,并与建筑物一起运行。这将使工作人员能够开始灌输和开挖25英尺深的沟槽,毗邻任务侧的建筑物。然后Shimmick将把任务堆绑在建筑物的扩展垫子中。

预计Shimmick将在12月完成任务工作。之后,船员将执行相同的操作,并将负载转移到越过任务的弗里蒙特街(Fremont Street)沿线的新桩。


The revised scheme is a consequence of problems with the original pile work. The engineer for the repair, Simpson Gumpertz Heger,自愿修复后,去年八月停止了工作,该工作旨在阻止超过17英寸的时间。主要是在西北角附近的定居点,而是加速了定居点,导致了1英寸。增加。SGH,Shimmick和专家团队修改了桩安装工作本身要解决这个问题。
