
当堪萨斯州莱内克萨市(Lenexa)市今年春天选择以“智能人行道”的测试飞行员(ENR 5/2-5/9,第10页)前进,这代表了近十年的努力后向前迈出了一步新利luck对于综合道路而言,不仅仅适用于蒂姆·西尔维斯特(Tim Sylvester)创立的公司,而是试图在专注于更智能的车辆的行业中使道路更聪明。

Sylvester说:“这是旋风。结果包括与思科的合作伙伴关系,“我们最终成为[主题演讲]的一部分,他们在谈论下一代车辆的数字基础设施,” Sylvester说。

他的系统由嵌入数字技术和光纤连接性的预制混凝土路段组成。这可以通过道路内传感器,Wi-Fi,5G等进行流量数据收集。扩展端口中的天线促进边缘服务,云访问和无线电动汽车(EV)充电。它于2018年在丹佛的布莱顿大道(Brighton Boulevard)和科罗拉多州的一条乡村路进行了测试。

“Once the technology is refined, and they can have data reliably back to owners or facility stakeholders; this is a very useful technology,” says Andrew Garton, Colorado Springs manager for WSP, which participated in the pilots. The remote road site did have issues with connectivity and electricity costs that need to be addressed, he says.

“This [pavement] has potential to provide real-time data for traffic volumes and better manage facilities,” he adds. “There are opportunities to be utilized for additional benefits such as over-the-road charging.”



Photos Courtesy of Integrated Roadways


Electrifying Future

从静态系统开始,避免将电动汽车束缚在充电器上的限制导致无线技术开发的努力。早期参赛者是位于美国的Witricity Corp.,由马萨诸塞州理工学院于2007年创立。

The system incorporates magnetic coils in pads that sit beneath parked vehicles, wirelessly charging their batteries. The technology has attracted interest, including from Germany’s Siemens A.G., which this June acquired a minority stake in WiTricity for $25 million. Siemens valued the potential European and North American markets alone at $2 billion by 2028.

韩国高级科学技术学院的动态无线充电的开拓者中有两辆电动巴士在九年前在韩国古米(Gumi)的24公里通力高速公路上运行。在法国,雷诺汽车公司(Renault Car Company)于2017年在卫星的100米测试轨道上测试了两辆电动汽车,该赛道由Vedecom Research Institute建造,使用高通技术开发的充电系统。德国的IPT技术已在德国和比利时的一系列车辆上测试了其Primove动态系统,效率超过90%。

“Where we are today is a pinnacle point.”
-Ron Williams, Jacobs senior vice president and general manager, People & Places Solutions Americas, on the evolution of smart roads

wireless battery charging of moving EVs is now ready for commercial rollout, believes a technology developer, following road trials in Italy. The company, Israel-based Electreon Wireless Ltd., is targeting bus routes as early adopters, but hopes EV owners will eventually also escape the need for the patience of plug-in charging.

从去年下半年开始,“未来的竞技场”动态充电项目在大约1公里的封闭赛道上进行,毗邻意大利米兰东部布雷斯西亚的A35 Brebemi高速公路。在移动测试电动汽车下,通过感应为电池充电,在道路的沥青表面下方的电气磁线圈在移动测试电动汽车下通电。

Electreon首席执行官Oren Ezer说,一辆测试巴士在巡回赛上进行了四天,几乎不会失去电池充电。发言人补充说,在巡回赛上的四个小时中,一辆小菲亚特500辆汽车的电池从22%的电荷增加到48%。



瑞典承包商NCC A.B. NCC Eroad的业务发展协调员StefanHörnfeldt说:“这项技术似乎很好,或多或少与其他电子公路解决方案相同。”该公司使用哥德岛上的Electreon Technology为瑞典运输管理局(Trafikverket)资助的动态试验提供建议。从两年前开始,“ Smartroad Gotland”项目在Visby市的1.65公里高速公路区运行了车辆。



“We showed that the vehicles were able to charge while driving at 80 kilometers per hour,” explains an Electreon spokeswoman. Able to function in the day and night, in rain and snow, the technology was also robust, she adds.

“审判尚未最后评估,“says Hörnfeldt. “There is still some work to do concerning standardization, industrialization and the business model.” He believes the potential for e-roads to be huge, but still difficult to quantify. The technology is best suited for “big, high-traffic roads with a lot of heavy vehicles outside urban areas or in areas where it’s difficult to set up stationary charging,” he adds.

在工业和t NCC正在探索的可能性ransportation sites. And it will likely bid for Trafikverket’s planned electrification along the roughly 20-km section of the E20 highway between Örebro and Hallsberg. “They haven’t decided upon what technology to be used yet,” says Hörnfeldt. But “this could be our first ‘real’ commercial contract.”

今年,密歇根州朝着计划向全电动车队运营的计划迈出了一大步,宣布其计划在1英里的路段中试行Electreon的无线电感充电技术。该州首席行动官Trevor Pawl指出,电动汽车舰队所有者“真的无法负担将车辆坐在充电站持续50分钟或更长时间。”要从归纳技术中收取费用,必须将电动汽车配备到Electreon的特殊信标。

密歇根州的运输部将向试点项目提供190万美元的资金,而electreon根据合同将这笔资金匹配25%。该项目预计将于2023年公开启动。NextEnergy,DTE Energy,Kiewit和Jacobs Engineering Group都被聘为合作者。Electreon副总裁Stefan Tongur解释说,最终,愿景是为电动道路支撑和为任何类型的车辆提供充电。与固定充电平台所需的能量相比,他说:“我们称其为开放充电平台,因为这有助于更高的基础设施利用。”他补充说:“一旦我们为公共汽车和送货卡车建造它们,就可以为公众开放系统,这将是有道理的。”

雅各布斯(Jacobs)高级副总裁兼美国人解决方案总经理罗恩·威廉姆斯(Ron Williams)表示,这种技术将改变市场。他说:“鉴于Electreon的历史,我们有信心会起作用。”他引用了佐治亚州,内华达州和宾夕法尼亚州的其他智能基础设施努力。他说:“如果我是初级工程师,我会很兴奋 - 这是运输的根本转变。”“目前,我们今天的位置是巅峰点。”

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $7.5 billion for the development of the national electric vehicle charging network, which is estimated to need around 500,000 stationary chargers to meet the consumer transition to EVs. The wireless charging system could help accelerate businesses’ conversion to electric vehicles, says Pawl.



The company’s technology was tested on a closed test site in Italy using various types of asphalt pavement.
Photos courtesy of Electreon

road workers



launched in 2015, Colas’ Wattway solar panels are composed of photovoltaic (PV) cells embedded in resin that can be glued directly to existing infrastructure “without earthworks,” explains Laurent Le Boulc’h, managing director of sustainable infrastructure and smart mobility. Installed panels capture solar energy that can directly power equipment or be added to an electrical network, says Le Boulc’h, “thus providing an innovative solution to produce renewable energy.” Wattway is suited for smart grid applications, he says, to “produce energy close to its place of consumption or even off-grid.”

Le Boulc’h补充说,在农村地区,“瓦特威可以在任何困难且昂贵的电网上使用,” Le Boulc’h补充说。他说,面板的寿命长达15年。

“您总是希望创新的想法成功。But even when they don’t, these tests help us understand …


2016年12月,科拉斯在法国杜鲁弗尔·艾弗(Tourouvre-au-Perche)揭开了“世界上的第一条太阳能道路”,这是该国Wattway Technology的前赛前投资。该项目拥有由该国环境部资助的超过500万美元的安装价格标签,其中包括大约半英里的道路,上面有2800个COLAS耐用的Wattway面板。这条路预计每年将产生多达150,000 kWh的速度,同时忍受元素和交通流量的严重流动。但是,由于该地区几乎没有阳光,因此该项目在两年期试用期内的安装成本的表现不佳。该系统遇到了磨损,影响了其吸收太阳能的能力,该国在扩大了这个想法方面拔下了插头。

同月,Colas在佐治亚州推出了该项目的版本,该项目似乎显示出更多的承诺,安装在该州18英里的Ray C. Anderson Memorial Highway的50米处,这也称为Ray。该部分与COLAS的子公司Ray Innovation非营利组织Ray Foundation完成并合作安装,乔治亚运输部和Reeves Construction每年产生估计的7,000千瓦时,足以为附近的欢迎中心提供电力。根据Ray Foundation的说法,第二版正在进行中。

在天气和磨损的压力下,瓦特威的前景很快就会变暗,以及原始的50平方米安装面板证据的磨损边缘和其他恶化。GDOT运营总监John Hibbard说:“路边环境非常苛刻。”“无论我们认为什么都必须在这个世界上生存。”2019年的新面板的升级效果提高了21%,达到每平方米144 w峰值 - DID并不能提供可比的总体耐用性提高。



In 2014, a pilot solar walkway project helmed by the Idaho-based startup Solar Roads was set to go forward at a Route 66-themed rest stop in Missouri, with hexagon-shaped panels installed in concrete. But after initial buzz, a $100,000 grant to produce a prototype for the Federal Highway Administration and a $2.2-million crowdfunding campaign, the company couldn’t deliver on the durability of the panels and backed out.

总的来说,尽管所有听起来很酷的道路技术,但不应忘记基础知识,WSP USA董事总经理Jagannath Malla警告说。他说:“安全,美丽的光滑驾驶表面是首要任务。”“我看到技术已经嵌入,但总是想知道长期维护和运营成本。”18luck.cub

Hibbard says simply trying out technologies in a setting such as The Ray benefits the industry.


The idea is still a sound opportunity to give “a second function to our road infrastructure by turning solar energy into electricity,” says Le Boulc’h. Smart roads are about sustainability, he says.






HP Lubricants and Leo Burnett India in 2017 initiated a system called Roads That Honk on the Jammu-Srinagar Highway in India. Roads That Honk adopts SmartLife pole technology at sharp curves and hairpin bends with advanced networked devices that combine wireless technology, radar systems and an anti-collision warning system, all powered by solar PV modules.

警察部门负责监督查mu-Srinagar高速公路腰带的63英里,每天经历了大约两到三起车辆事件。自2017年安装SmartLife Pole以来,该部门认为这个数字已大大减少。

该系统以24 GHz频率范围(K频段)传输电磁波,该波浪测量了反射电磁波的频移。频移是由移动目标对电磁波的多普勒效应引起的。随着雷达传感器和目标之间的速度增加,检测到的频移也会增加,并提醒任何驾驶员绕曲线的驱动器。

在新闻稿中,南亚Leo Burnett的首席创意官Rajdeepak Das说:“我们很高兴能够在创新的背后利用技术的力量,并使用雷达信号来[警报]驱动程序。我们有信心的道路,洪克将大大减少事故并挽救每年的生命。”


The embedded sensors and acquisition nodes communicate real-time information through the 2.4-GHz acquisition network to the HIKOB GATEWAY that is connected to an IP network.

Isabelle Fontany, a Grand Lyon innovation and development engineer, says “the system provided by HIKOB helps us to gather more accurate measurements about weather conditions and to better understand the local situations.”

HNTB技术部门领导者凯蒂·Zehnder(Katie Zehnder)看到了其他智能道路技术,从自我修复人行道到数字双胞胎模型,再到响应洪水,飓风和其他自然灾害的人行道。她将这些技术与手机的技术进行了比较:“他们将能够做我们现在甚至没有考虑的事情。”

Mallela cites more possibilities, such as energy harvesting, embedded striping to inform vehicles in low visibility, lighted pavements, embedded sensors for red lights and curbside management. “You will have a pavement connected with vehicles; an integrated vehicle-highway system,” he says. “The future is no longer just about roads. Roads [and vehicles] will co-evolve.”

For Sylvester, with Integrated Roadways, the past decade has seen a sea change. He recalls “the early days where we’d talk to public agencies about digital infrastructure and they’d chuckle and say ‘maybe in 50 years, but not in my lifetime.’”

“Now,” he says, “we sit down with them and they say, ‘We need it yesterday, how soon can we get it installed?’”