m在Bechtel National和Sempra Energy在德克萨斯州Arthur Liquefied天然气液化项目的固定价格工程,采购和建筑合同签署了固定价格的工程,采购和建筑合同后,矿石比两年半签署了矿石。项目价格为105亿美元。

The companies signed the original agreement in March 2020, but Sempra delayed a final investment decision to build the plant by at least a year due to COVID-19 generated cuts in global demand for fuel.

Neither Sempra nor Bechtel disclosed or commented on the original contract price but earlier reports suggested the 2020 cost at between $8 billion and $9 billion.

Based on current robust customer interest, “we know that Port Arthur LNG is highly attractive to the global market,” Sempra said in its Oct.20 announcement of the contract.

联邦能源监管委员会于10月13日批准了Sempra 7月份的延期要求,以完成工厂和相关管道的建设,并以与建筑延迟有关的大流行有关的市场状况和供应链问题。截止日期从2024年4月移至2028年6月。FERC最初于2019年4月批准建造该工厂。





贝克特's oil, gas and chemicals unit will perform detailed engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, startup, performance testing and operator training activities.

Sempra said Bechtel will continue engineering before a final investment decision to better assure project cost and schedule certainty.

全球的gas buyers have been slow to sign new long-term contracts needed to finance multibillion-dollar LNG projects due to overbuilding of export terminals in 2019, says Reuters. Building new U.S. export infrastructure now is seen as critical to providing overseas markets with cleaner fuel alternatives, said Jeffrey Martin, Sempra Energy chairman and CEO.


But the Port Arthur Community Action Network, which has sought stricter air pollution limits for the facility that a state environmental agency declined to set in September in approving its permit—despite support of the group's position by an administrative law judge earlier this year—filed an appeal in federal court in October, says a通过Spotlight报告



Sempra还与合作伙伴一起开发了位于路易斯安那州哈克伯里的卡梅伦液化天然气出口项目的第二阶段。在协议中reached in April. Developer partners include TotalEnergies, Mitsubishi and NKY Group,

授予Bechtel的两项前端工程设计合同,并授予合资JGC America和Zachry Industrial。在合同结束时,一家公司将被选为估计40亿美元项目的EPC承包商。施工定于2026年开始。

