

Instead of preventing safety incidents and events, the emphasis is building capacity for them to happen safely.

Quanta Services运营单位累计记录了29%的降低威胁生命,改变生命或致命事故该公司的安全,环境和质量副总裁Matthew C. Compher说。

安全科学家一直认为不同between smaller and more severe breakdowns. Although Quanta and other contractors have been able to lower total recordable injury rates over the years using their existing safety programs, severe and fatal accidents have not declined at the same rate, and have actually risen in some cases.

Smaller construction employers, as well as some oil and gas companies and hospitals, have been using HOP or parts of it for years. But"there was nothing we could buy that we thought would work so we took all those lessons learned and created our own program," Compher says.

在他研究了跳动的想法之后-没有对错误,简化的安全规则和不断学习的惩罚,从错误或事故发生时如何限制危险的情况下不断学习 - Compher为Quanta的需求量身定制了这些想法。在2019年底,该公司的公司网站首次亮相了新页面。"The Capacity Model"-a key concept that describes the ability to absorb and avoid severe injury even when mistakes are made

As a final symbolic expression of a more individualized, bottom-up approach to working safely, Compher says he changed the way Quanta Services treats its safety manual in early 2021.

"We still have a manual and it is important, but that ownership has to be at a local, regional or operating unit level," he explains. "We can’t sit in Houston and write a rule that makes sense to every jurisdiction, and this allowed us to focus on our philosophy and direction for all of Quanta."

继续该计划的动力仍然很明确。Quanta Services拥有45,000名员工,在2021年收入中有近130亿美元,是建筑业中最大的直接雇主之一。它是ENR 600名专业承包商名单中排名第一的公司。新利luck根据ENR审查的公共记录,在过去的两年中,承包商发生了一些致命事故,涉及电动和卡车驾驶。新利luck


其他建筑雇主在HOP安全方面拥有更长的经验,并继续使用它。电气和电子承包商M.C.该公司安全总监Eric Buschard说,自2010年以来,自2010年以来就一直使用它,而总部位于辛辛那提的总承包商Monarch Construction Co.一直使用HOP Ideas,大约五年了。


the HOP approach assumes workers will make errors and that emphasis should be on the work environment and processes to prevent severe injuries.

the system是与许多雇主实行的流行行为安全计划背道而驰,这些雇主跳过倡导者认为过多地专注于犯错的个人工人。这常常导致责备认为对发生的事情诚实评估。

In addition to non-punitive incident reporting and discussions, HOP advocates say they try to avoid concentrating on low-injury rates or on what some see as an obsession with zero injuries or incidents.


最喜欢的啤酒花词是识别Stky或“杀死您的S **”的许多努力。托德·康克林(Todd Conklin)或他志趣相投的合着者澳大利亚的西德尼·德克(Sidney Dekker)等霍普理论家的广泛著作并未作为能力模型计划的一部分分发。


Earlier this year,the National Safety Council被认为是Quanta服务a finalistin the innovation category其年度安全计划。

So far, according to the council, firm employees are showing a greaterawareness of serious hazards and a shift in organizational tone toward improving and holding healthy dialogues.there's also an "increased appetite among employees for learning about the context of events," the safety group wrote.

