
由以色列的海水淡化工厂运营商IDE Technologies领导的项目团队正在制定该计划,该计划要求建造水的摄入量和墨西哥波多黎各Peñasco的Cortez海上的植物,以及一系列的泵和管道,可以运输饮酒遍布美国凤凰城西部的水库的水。

TheArizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority然后,将每年从工厂购买多达100万英亩的水。其董事会于12月20日以9-0投票,指导员工对IDE的提案进行分析,并就该计划提出建议。

的代理y wasestablished by state legislation由州长道格·杜西(Doug Ducey)(R)签署。

IDE says the plant could supply up to 3 million households—more than the 2.6 million households currently in Arizona. It would initially supply less water per year, about 300,000 acre-ft, according to the company.

In its submission to state officials, the company said it has built, owns and operates 450 desalination plants in more than 40 countries. Its desalination plants use a reverse osmosis process to remove salt, bacteria and other impurities from seawater, said IDE, adding that about half the water that enters the plant from the sea becomes fresh drinking water.

IDE aims to begin operations at the plant by the end of 2027.


Ahead of the Dec. 20 vote, however, speakers at a public meeting shared concerns over a variety of issues related to the plan.

Jennifer Martin, a program manager with Sierra Club’s Arizona chapter, said desalination “is just not sustainable” because of high energy use associated with the process, and the large amount of brine produced as a byproduct. Additionally, she said the pipeline would cross the protected Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.

IDE said it is able to comply with “the strictest” environmental standards. At its Carlsbad, Calif., operating plant, the company adheres to state regulations by using state-of-the-art technology and design practices to reduce electrical demand.

其他评论者提出了对潜在合同的细节的担忧,例如该州承担成本的义务以及在剩余水年期间发生的事情以及在工厂购买的水价。18luck.cub州参议员Lisa Otondo(D)表示,每英亩水的水价可能要花费3,000美元或更多。

Otondo was also one of several commenters who questioned the process the state had used so far in working with IDE.

亚利桑那州市政水用户协会执行董事沃伦·坦尼(Warren Tenney)呼吁在此过程中提高透明度,称这笔交易已经在“闭门造车”上进行了。IDE水资源部首席执行官Lihy Teuerstein在会议上说,该团队已经从事该项目已经三年了。

“This may be the best project out there,” Tenney said. “But the pressure under which the [authority] board is being asked to rush it is raising negative perceptions which could taint both the project and the [agency's] long term success.”

董事会主席戴维·贝克汉姆(David Beckham)在会议上说,继续进行该项目不会阻止该州追求其他水项目。18luck官网