
A $265-million to $310-million design-build highway improvement project advertised by Washington State transportation officials in November, with responses due early last month, attracted only Guy F. Atkinson Construction and Walsh Construction Co., which submitted qualifications and the names of other team members.

The poor "showing" in Washington state, where the project is part of a series of Seattle area improvements to the vital Interstate-5 transportation artery, is also happening in other parts of the U.S.

Big infrastructure projects that a few years ago might have attracted three or more competing teams have drawn fewer submittals, and the lack of competitors combined with inflation and supply-chain snags means that it’s much more difficult to know if prices quoted by competitors will be near the estimate.

“Any time we only have two proposals that can be a concern,” says Tom Pearce, a spokesman for the Washington State Dept. of Transportation. “But we’re happy we have qualified submittals from Atkinson and Walsh because they are both very qualified and capable.”

This was supposed to be a Golden Age for U.S. infrastructure. Funds provided by the $1.2-trillion infrastructure act passed by Congress over a year ago now are filtering into the marketplace. But it turns out that inflation has so depleted buying power that the once-anticipated surge of construction work is no longer expected.

In November, Chris Daum, CEO of consultant FMI Corp., told an audience at the International Risk Management Institute’s construction conference in Las Vegas that price increases to date “will eat up most or all” of any anticipated higher market activity the federal funds might have paid for.


The timely start of work often depends on the costs not exceeding the funding sources.


Gonzalez Cos。的项目经理Mark Harrison说,“我们对价格表示关注”,该项目经理是由伊利诺伊州圣克莱尔县计划计划的5.5英里轻轨线扩展。该扩展名将将现有车站连接到中美洲圣路易斯机场。五个套票中的第一个销售额将于1月17日到期。该项目的预期价格为9600万美元,由伊利诺伊州的州赠款资助。哈里森说:“我们希望获得该项目重要的双轨部分的三到四个出价。

路易斯安那州最近在寻求设计建造承包商的价格和竞争问题上,以预期的1.5亿美元的替补替代什里夫波特的吉米·戴维斯桥(Jimmie Davis Bridge)。


州运输秘书肖恩·威尔逊(Shawn Wilson)在10月的电视采访中说:“我们没有必要的竞争关注。”新的RFP生产了另外三家入围的公司:American Bridge Co.,Thalle Construction Co.和James Construction Group,在第一轮也入围。当前的时间表要求在四月之前签署设计建造合同。


There is another recent example of a state agency trying to turn the situation around.

TheGeorgia Dept. of Transportation调整的条款a big design-build P3 project in October. Prices had come in from competitors more than $100 million above what the state had anticipated for 16 miles of express lanes to be added along State Route 400 in and around Atlanta. In 2021 the department cancelled the project and started over. In October it shortlisted three potential concessionaire teams whose price will be based on sweetened commercial terms related to how the winning team will collect its payments.


