It costs on average $4.01 per sq ft to get a building certified under the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system for green buildings, according to recent market research. That figure translates to $830 million in LEED-related construction spending from 2000 to 2008, says a study by USGBC and consultant Booz Allen Hamilton.



弗吉尼亚州新利luck麦克莱恩(Booz Allen Hamilton)(BAH)高级副总裁Gary Rahl说:“这项研究表明,投资绿色建筑为我们国家的财富做出了重大贡献,同时在一系列职业中创造工作,从木匠到成本估算员。”

BAH研究使用了McGraw-Hill Construction对2008年出版物“绿色建筑展望报告”中“绿色建筑”的定义。它指出,绿色建筑物是由LEED或同等标准建造的,或者包含跨多个类别(例如能源,水和资源效率),负责任的现场管理和改善室内空气质量的众多绿色建筑元素。ENR出版商McGraw-Hill Construct表示,不包括一个只有几个功能的项目,例如无水小便池。新利luck



At the conference, which drew some 28,000 registrants—about the same as last year—the nonprofit Healthy Building Network launched its online materials evaluation tool, Pharos. In development for more than three years, the tool is intended to help designers and others compare the health and environmental effects of various materials in use and during the manufacturing process.

So far, the database includes 100 products in three categories: resilient flooring, particleboard and wheat board, and batt insulation. Summaries of the products contain lists of their contents linked to a chemical library. Unlike other...