Photo By AP Wideworld
Water overtopped non-federal levees in Plaquemines Parish, outside the protected zone. They were cut to relieve the impounded flood.
Map Courtesy of USACE




艾萨克(Isaac)淹没的地区包括普拉克梅斯(Plaquemines)的大部分地区,下杰斐逊(Lower John John),施洗者圣约翰(St. John John),以及圣塔曼尼(St. Tammany)和坦p派人士(Tangipahoa)的某些地区,包括拉普拉斯(Laplace)镇,位于pontchartrain湖的远端。

Many shocked residents of those flooded areas and some of their elected officials are calling for investigations to see if the new defenses made those areas more vulnerable to flooding.

In an Aug. 31 letter to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Army assistant secretary for civil works, U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said "the good news" is that the hurricane protection system in metropolitan New Orleans performed well. "The bad news is that there was significant flooding in several areas outside the system, in many cases at unprecedented levels," he added.



美国参议员玛丽·兰德里乌(Mary Landrieu)(D-la。。仍然有太多没有保护的区域,我们还有很多工作要做。”






“除了内港导航Canal (IHNC) Surge Barrier, Seabrook Floodgate Complex, and the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps on the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain, the footprint of the new HSDRRS system is essentially the same as what was in place prior to Hurricane Katrina," it added. IHNC Surge Barrier modeling prior to construction indicated the structure could cause insignificant, unintended consequences, the Corps says.


Independent experts agree it is unlikely the HSDRRS worsened flooding for areas outside the perimeter.

公民工程教授兼计算液压专家Joannes J. Westerink说:“该系统与Laplace和Braithewait中的洪水无关。”“如果您考虑一下,该系统将与以前的相同占地面积。”这意味着新的防御能力并没有增加由旧系统保护的区域,当时旧系统最多可暴风雨。



Westerink noted that Isaac was a very slow-moving storm and, therefore, poured large amounts of surge and rainfall onto the region. The storm camped near the mouth of the Mississippi River for more than a day, with counterclockwise winds pumping water over an extended period of time into vulnerable areas, such as Plaquemines Parish and The Rigolets, an unprotected waterway leading into Lake Pontchartrain from the east. The strong and continuous wind drove water toward the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain and toward its western end, where extensive flooding occurred. By contrast, Katrina and other recent storms moved through the area much more quickly.


马里兰大学土木工程教授刘易斯·“埃德·林克(Lewis“ Ed” Link)的另一位专家,主持了独立的多学科工作队,研究了新奥尔良的旧洪水保护措施的表现,并为他们的替代者提供了广泛的建议,并持有相同的观点。他补充说,艾萨克的赛道还与飓风造成风暴潮可能采取的最糟糕的道路相吻合,这是根据这些分析建模的152次飓风。

Those supercomputer-generated models form a suite of storms that span the gamut of possibilities in terms of intensity, course and speed. The models and the extrapolations made from them form a storm-risk baseline for the Louisiana Gulf Coast area. He says they were run with and without the new storm defense system during design development; they showed "absolutely no difference" in area effects.