On April 30 at its national convention in San Francisco, the American Institute of Architects released replacement construction manager documents and an updated version of AIA Contracts Documents software. The CM documents cover CM as advisor and CM as constructor.

The CM documents replace those released in 2007 and 2008. They include dispute resolution check box that enables parties to select the method of binding dispute resolution. They incorporate the concept of an initial decision maker fill point where the owner and contractor may identify a third neutral party IDM other than the architect. The documents include digital data provisions the encourage project participants to establish protocols governing transmission and use of digital data. The CMa documents also contain a contractor payment check box. This allows the owner and contractor to select the method of payment from three choices: they stipulate sum, cost of the work plus a fee with a guaranteed maximum price or cost of the work plus a fee without a guaranteed maximum price. More information is available at www.aia.org/contractdocs.

AIA说,该软件具有更轻松的项目和文档管理,灵活的对话框,可以更轻松地完成文档完成,Microsoft Excel功能几种形式以及一键式自定义模板创建。该软件允许用户从集中式屏幕查看,选择和管理项目和文档。18luck官网AIA说,一种新的输入信息的方法可以帮助用户“快速准确地”完成所需的项目特定数据。