Chinese-made drywall is causing off-gassing and corrosion problems in Florida, prompting at least two lawsuits. Powerplant fly ash used in manufacturing the product may be a possible culprit.

One major builder has fi led suit over problems apparently caused by Chinese-made drywall.

佛罗里达州卫生部已收到房主的68个气味投诉。1月30日,迈阿密的Lennar Corp.在迈阿密戴德县第11司法巡回法院提起诉讼,针对几家制造商,八个供应商和12个安装人员提起诉讼。该诉讼称,制造商使石膏干墙不足,没有警告客户。

Knauf Gips KG, Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. and Taishan Gypsum Co. Ltd. are charged with product liability and negligence, the suppliers with product liability and breach of implied warranty and the installers with breach of contract and breach of express and implied warranties. "Our investigation in southwest Florida shows independent sub-contractors installed Chinese drywall in a very small percentage of Lennar homes built between November 2005 and November 2006," says Darin McMurray, Lennar division president. Problems started with failures in heating and air-conditioning systems.

In Fort Myers, a class-action complaint was filed on Jan. 30 in U.S. District Court charging Knauf-made drywall was "inherently defective" and caused corrosion and health concerns. The suit alleges Knauf drywall is made from fly ash, compounds of which combine with moisture to form sulfuric acid that can corrode copper tubing and electrical wiring. About 10 million sq ft of Knauf-made drywall was used in the state between 2004 and 2006, according to the complaint.


2006年底,新泽西州韦斯特蒙特市的EMSL Analytical Inc.是一项材料测试服务,开始接收客户的电话,抱怨明显的腐烂的气味。还抱怨黑硫铜腐蚀导致空调蒸发器线圈失败。

"We don’t know whether this is strictly a material issue or if climate also is involved," says Vincent M. Daliessio, EMSL industrial hygiene project manager. Test results are inconclusive. "We are seeing slightly elevated carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide of 2 ppb to 10 ppb, which is well below the EPA guideline of 234 ppb, so it doesn’t appear to be an acute hazard to human health," says Daliessio.

EMSL还将空气样品放在环境室中,以增加发现硫化氢和二氧化硫的两种化学物质或相关化合物的几率。他们已经将铜条与干墙接触,以尝试复制黑色 - 铜腐蚀。但是主要的问题可能是铁二硫化铁(铁黄铁矿)。达利西奥说:“我们怀疑铁矿杂质可能是原因。”“石膏板包含这些化合物,似乎在国内生产的石膏板中不存在。”

达利西奥指出,石膏板几乎总是由硫酸钙组成。有两个主要来源:石膏矿和从燃煤动力装置中回收的粉煤灰。马里兰州凯悦维尔的石膏协会报告说,2006 - 2007年从中国进口了大约3亿平方英尺的石膏委员会。在同一时期,美国使用了大约657亿平方英尺的石膏板