Dr. David Rempel led a team of researchers from the University of California in San Francisco and Berkeley that developed an“倒”钻机。The tool cuts the stress that overhead drilling can create on a construction worker’s shoulders, arms and hands by nearly 90%, without losing any productivity.

A physician, professor and head of the UCSF ergonomics program, Rempel directed the research team throughout five years of developing and field-testing the inverted drill press with construction workers in California, Oregon and Washington.

The device consists of a tripod base on locking wheels, a telescoping vertical column with a drill-mounting saddle on top, alignment devices, and handwheels and gears that extend and retract the column. It weighs about 45 lb, can be assembled on-site in about 30 seconds and is compatible with personnel lifts.



考虑工作。Rempel解释说:“这就像将嘈杂的,振动的50磅盒子在您的肩膀上方,而灰尘掉入您的脸和眼睛也一样 - 虽然您站在梯子上。”他的团队发明的手轮操作钻机的钻孔仅需5.8磅的力,相当于减少89.5%。

An alignment system also eliminates the need to climb a ladder to mark hole locations before drilling. Each inverted drill press currently costs about $1,000 for components and $3,000 in labor to build.
