
该计划是美国LEED评级系统的热带气候版本,立即在一党国家获得接受,在该州迅速将公共政策付诸实践。BCA首席执行官约翰·昆(John Keung)表示,到2013年,有15个国家提交了200多个项目18luck官网认证项目,他在2013年领导了Green Mark的第三次迭代。

It is not surprising that Singapore would assume a leadership role. With a population of five million occupying an area about half the size of New York City, the country is wealthy, technologically advanced and ranks high in Transparency International's integrity index of least public corruption.


With one-party rule, "we are a governmental agency developed by the building authority in the city," Keung says. "We are in a better position to make sure you build according to design. If you don't, you don't get a building permit."


Under Keung, BCA is finding success: 21% of the square footage of publicly owned buildings meets Green Mark certification. The goal is 80% by 2030.

The program's current version focuses on energy efficiency, with incentives to developers willing to make the necessary up-front investment to cut energy costs over a building's life cycle. "Increasingly, we are seeing developers going green because of the incentive program," Keung says.