卡里克·恩吉(Calik Enerji)
该团队面临着大雨和沙尘暴的其他挑战,以建立伊拉克卡尔巴拉附近的1,250 mw Al Khairat项目。
卡里克·恩吉(Calik Enerji)
The Al Khairat gas turbine powerplant, Iraqs largest, will provide electricity to a seven-city area for at least 20 hours a day.

Completion in 2013 of the 1,250-MW Al Khairat powerplant, the largest to be built in Iraq, not only will boost electricity output in the war-ravaged nation by 20%, but marks a key social milestone for 5 million citizens who had only intermittent power access.



The project, which began in 2011, included installation of 10 gas-turbine generators and continuous emissions monitoring-equipment, along with related infrastructure, such as power substations, a small refinery, and water and wastewater treatment facilities.

The plant is designed to operate using three different types of fuel, based on availability, according to project participants. "This gives flexibility and sustainability in the supply of electricity," says Osman Saim Dinç, general manager of Çalık Enerji.





The project team maintained strong relations with local sheikhs and other community leaders, he adds. There were no security incidents, according the project team.


The project, along with work on the smaller Nainawa powerplant in Iraq, was Alstom's largest contract in the country, CEO Patrick Krons said in 2011.

一名官员告诉路透社,GE在Al Khairat的燃气轮机是从该公司购买的56号电力部。

According to its website, Çalık Enerji also completed, last fall, a 750-MW powerplant in Mosul, Iraq, and announced, earlier this year, the start of construction on the 230-MW Gardabani combined-cycle powerplant in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, which it says is one of the largest energy investments there in recent years.




General Contractor:伊斯坦布尔的ÇalıkEnerji

lead Engineer:马德里S.A.U. Idom Ingeneria Y Consultoria

民事工程:伊斯坦布尔的ATK INSAAT

电力和水分包商:Units of General Electric Co., Fairfield, Conn.

Transmission Equipment Supplier:阿尔斯通电网,巴黎