在建造这款沙特阿拉伯超级吸收剂 - 聚合物(SAP)植物中,保持污染几乎至关重要,就像在生产该植物最终产品中的目前:用于制造尿布和一次性卫生产品的材料。

Fluor项目总监Bernd de Jonge说:“由于该产品已被FDA批准并进入婴儿尿布,因此卫生标准很高。”这样的标准意味着团队必须超越规范,以保持站点清洁。“该项目必须制定一个完整的清洁计划,直到建筑物完全关闭,并使用[运行]的HVAC单元([]略有压力,以确保不会进入灰尘和异物,并且可能会污染卫生产品,即“德·琼格说。整个项目的思维定势持续到最后,当时综合项目团队的高级成员(包括综合大楼和客户运营的经理)举行了“清洁下午”,以对房屋进行“白手套”检查。

Fluor was the engineering, procurement and construction contractor building the six-floor, 250,000-sq-ft plant, which is the first of its kind in the region. Supplying the Mideast marketplace, the plant will source raw materials from the Tasnee petrochemical complex it sits within and another nearby facility.

The roughly 500-ft-high structure was designed to hold heavy equipment, including two pieces that weigh 65 tons each. Using 23-ft-wide, 40-ft-long and 40-ft-high modular structural steel, the team worked in a nearby staging area to assemble steel "boxes," or frames, each weighing 23 metric tons. The boxes were then lifted 100 ft in the air and placed onto the superstructure.


"The meticulous planning of the installation of the modular structural steel, together with the equipment, in a well-sequenced, floor-by-floor fashion was key to the success of the project," de Jonge says.


"This is not a typical building. It is a specialty chemicals plant with numerous pieces of interconnecting equipment and piping as well as instrumentation," de Jonge says. Even so, he adds, it was delivered on time and within budget.


EPC, M吞噬承包商和铅设计Fluor’s offices in Haarlem, the Netherlands; the Phillippines; and Saudi Arabia

General ContractorDhahran的Nasser Al-Hajri Corp.;和坎科,达姆姆