Prominent structural engineer and professor Stanley D. Lindsey has been called a genius, an innovator and an inspiration. He died on July 12 of a massive heart attack on his horse farm in Bluffton, S.C. He was 75.

Not long after starting his eponymous firm in Nashville, Tenn., in 1966, Lindsey became known as a pioneer in the use of computers for the analysis and design of structures. Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates Ltd., which for years wrote most of its own software, was one of the first engineers to integrate computer-aided design with drafting.

Lindsey was one of the developers of the "load and resistance factor" design method, introduced in the mid-1980s (ENR 11/9/89 p. 58). His volunteer work with the American Institute of Steel Construction, especially as a former AISC committee chairman on specifications, is still considered an important contribution to engineering. "Stan Lindsey was a gentleman, innovator and leader," says Charlie Carter, AISC's vice president and chief structural engineer. "An eternal optimist, he usually added a trademark smiley face next to his signature, with a squiggle to mimic his curly hair."

Lindsey于1961年获得了田纳西大学的土木工程学士学位,以及1966年的硕士学位,以及1972年的博士学位,都来自范德比尔特大学。2002年,他在他公司销售了他的大多数股权,并在萨凡纳格鲁吉亚理工学院致力于职业教学。“斯坦永不辞职,”Lindsey的前公司总裁Thomas S. Tarpy Jr.在1974年开始全职工作的全职工作。“三周前,他叫我谈谈在线发展互动远程学习的模拟器。“