约瑟夫·斯金纳(Joseph Skinner),该公司告诉ENR,工程公司Greenhorne&O'Mara,马里兰州劳雷尔(Laurel),将与总部位于艾伯塔省的埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)一起作为12月31日的实践管理领导者。新利luck新角色是在11月30日宣布的Stantec计划收购G&O之后的,并计划在年底之前完成。G&O,有520名员工和2011年的收入为7260万美元,在ENR排名前500家设计公司名单中排名第145。新利luck


CH2M Hill Cos。已升高尼尔·雷诺兹to senior vice president and regional managing director of the firm's operations in the Middle East, North Africa and India. These operations include activities of Halcrow, which CH2M Hill acquired in 2011. Reynolds had been a company vice president and international operations director of its water business group. Reynolds says he will continue as group director until Dec. 31, but the firm did not name his successor. Reynolds, who joined CH2M Hill in 2009, is a former regional director at both U.K.-based Biwater International and Skanska AB. He is based in Abu Dhabi.

鲍勃·施弗佛罗里达州西棕榈滩(West Palm Beach)的Ranger Construction Industries总裁,沥青和大公路承包商,于1月1日生效。Mike Slade,谁退休,但将继续担任顾问。斯莱德还是佛罗里达州运输建筑商协会的前主席。

纽约市的亨特·罗伯茨建筑集团有限责任公司已雇用鲍勃·贝利茨(Bob Belitz)作为金融和控制者副总裁。他曾是Arcadis的部门总监,也是Malcolm Pirnie Inc.的首席财务官。亨特·罗伯茨(Hunter Roberts)成立于2005年,在Enr的前400名承包商名单中排名第97位,2011年收入为5.553亿美元。新利luck

Margarita D. Gagliardihas joined Urban Engineers Inc., Philadelphia, as vice president of transit planning. She is formerly senior vice president of transportation planning in the Americas for Halcrow Group Ltd., which was acquired by CH2M Hill Cos. in 2011. She also was named the parent firm's chief technologist. Gagliardi, who remains based in New York City, also had been senior vice president and national planning practice leader at engineer STV Inc. She is a member of the Moles, a national heavy-construction professionals group, and a former transportation planning manager for the Federal Transit Administration.