Your series on climate adaptation has been outstanding. Congratulations on a job well done. The latest article,“硬化能源资产”is particularly interesting.

However, I’d respectfully point out that an especially important subject that has been omitted. That is the devastating risk to the entire electric power grid posed by a coronal mass ejection (CME) (Editor’s note:CME是太阳能和磁场的大规模爆裂,在太阳能电晕上方升起or released into space.

人们不知道CME是普遍的。我找不到对恩网站上的CME或相关科目的任何引用。新利luck简而言之,一个非常大的CME会 - 不可能,但会崩溃整个北美电网。基于伦敦劳埃德的研究,在1859年有150个机会中的一个有机会等于最大的一个。1989年加拿大加拿大加拿大在魁北克省魁北克电网的较小CME的概率相当于CUN。50.将这些与在交通事故中死亡的人的可能性进行比较,这是6,584中的1。CME的概率比在车祸中的染色高44%至132倍!

Importantly, we know with 100% certainty that a CME will, in fact, occur. This is a natural phenomenon, a normal process for the sun that has been going on for millions of years and will continue for many more millions of years. There are currently no preparations made across the entire U.S. power grid to accommodate and mitigate CME impacts.



Michael Suffita,P.E.

Michael Suffita.can be reached at or at 801-707-1166.
