我最近被要求参与讨论scheduling specifications at Stanford University. A representative from the contractor sponsoring the conference would take the position that most scheduling specifications were onerous or unnecessary. My role, if I agreed to partake, would be to defend them before an audience filled with contractors.

This would not be an impromptu discussion—I was the owner's scheduling consultant on a project with the person I would be debating. "You won't be personally attacked," I was assured.



Having worked for owners as well as contractors, I know the frustrations are mutual.

To reduce overhead costs, contractors often give scheduling short shrift—assigning inexperienced or junior-level personnel to schedule complex, multimillion-dollar projects. Contractors routinely ignore scheduling specifications and their own CPM schedules. Flawed baselines are submitted, and to correct for past sins, schedule updates are manipulated, sequestering float and masking contractor delays.

With each update, a new critical path and an unexpected completion date emerge, giving the owner little confidence regarding final completion.

在通往讲台的路上,我想知道我会收到什么样的接待。行业标准的调度软件似乎是为数据库管理员而不是构建者设计的。同样,在尝试执行所有操作时,该软件的核心功能较差。当然,有改进的空间,但是自亨利·甘特(Henry Gantt)同名图表以来的100年中,所有进步是否有所进步?新利luck

After debating the need for detailed, not simplified, schedules, activity duration restrictions, resource/cost loading, lead/lag relationships and schedule update revisions, I concluded with a simple solution: projects should hire a third-party, jointly retained scheduler.


The contractor would create the baseline schedule, retaining control over its means and methods. After acceptance by all parties, the baseline schedule would be updated by the neutral scheduler.



As someone who has lived through monthly arguments over schedule updates and endless battles over time extension requests during construction and afterward in court, placing the schedule under the control of a neutral third-party seems like the next logical step in the lean construction movement. There will be resistance from contractors unwilling to cede control and owners reluctant to share liability for a task once in the contractor's realm. Could it be any worse than the status quo?

虽然我和我辩论的对手还在through our differences on our project, I am hopeful we will have an accepted baseline schedule before neutral scheduling becomes the standard. 

库尔特·罗塞蒂(Kurt Rossetti), P.E., CCE, is founder of PKR Consulting Inc., a construction management and litigation consulting firm in San Francisco. He can be reached at krossetti@pkrconsulting.com.